Monday, April 27, 2009

Update on this post.

1. house hunting. UGH! up until this point Jason and I have been pretty set on moving up north to an area called foxboro. we have been looking at this area for over a year now and we just love it up there. we put an offer on a house up there, that didnt work, we have recently started talking about building one, but that didn't seem to be what we felt we needed to do. Also we found out this weekend that my parents want to move to st george in 5 years so we no longer need to try and balance out our 2 families locations. SO, we are now looking for a house in the south salt lake area, murray. It wont be as nice as building one, but we are 22 and 24! kids our age don't need to do that. It will be nice to live so close to family when we have kids.

2 which brings me to the next subject, kids. I want to start a family, now. I have learned since that what I want isn't what matters, it truely is what the lord knows is right for us. I don't want to have a baby and not be able to afford to give it everything I want and not be able to afford to still go out with friends and on vacations and things. I know that waiting to start a family is the right thing to do and because I know that, I can be patient. I want to be able to buy everything I see that I want, and be able to stay at home with my child and not worry about bills, I want to have a family and not live paycheck to paycheck.

3 which brings me to the next subject, work. I really do love my job, its a great job, good pay and perfect hours. most of my paychecks go directly into savings. I don't need to work, I could stay home all day while Jason works and our bills would all still get paid, but by me working, we are building our savings so much which will only improve our lifestyle. Jason and I don't live paycheck to paycheck. When we first got married we did, only because we had 3k in debt from our honeymoon. we hurried and paid that off within 3 months and havent really had debt since, except of course his car and student loans. We aren't in any type of credit card debit, in fact we just got paid 250$ from our credit card just for using it. The only reason I don't want to work is because I want to have a baby, and since my realizations on that, I have no reason not to work.

4 my weight loss. for an update on that go here.

5 a Kitty will come with the house, nuff said.

6. seeing my family more. I think if we make an effort to see my family once a week, I will be happy. and I really need to start calling my mom just to talk and how things are going. I have this idea in my head that the only way I can visit with them and see how they are doing is if I see them.

Jason and I are doing lovely. We have truely never been happier. We are enjoying our newlywed life and couldn't ask for more. We are so grateful for the lords hand in everything we do, we have felt his guidance in each step that we take towards our future. I don't know how couples live through their marriage without regualar temple attendance, it is SO important. It is so crucial to living the gospel and to your marriage. we love it! hope everyone is well!

Monday, April 20, 2009


AH-HA! there are moments in our life, that stop us in our tracks and make us say, ah-ha. Moments where for that one second in time, you have clearity where you once had doubt. Something that you see, something someone says or just a thought that slips into your mind that puts all your thoughts right into perspective. For me, these moments are few and far between, but when they occur, its mind altering. It changes my entire outlook on almost every situation that is currently dominating my thoughts. I know that I will never know the reason for the occasions and emotions that arise through out my life, but I know that there is purpose. I know that there is joy in faith. I know that one day, I will look back on my life and say, ah-ha. Although it may not all make sense at that time, some will, and I will be grateful for that some. Patience and trust are the key to the joy that I so earnestly seek. In the lords time. There is so much comfort that comes from that phrase. Do you know what I said to myself today? ''Ah-ha.''

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Full battery on my laptop, mind overwhelmed with thoughts. Here we go. I feel as though something is missing. There is something that I am overlooking, forgetting or not achieving. the endless possibilities of what it could be are as follows.

1 and the most obvious it could be that I want to start a family. My husband would argue that I just want to play dress up with cute clothes and paint a nursery but it is so much more than that. Its me and its him and its something that we create to teach and to inspire. Something that is our responsibility to rear in the path of the savior and to help prepare the world for his arrival. It is a life that will rely on me and depend on me for basic human needs, it will be a child that I will give unconditional love and support to. Its not a drive to have a cute baby, its an instinctive chemical drive that consumes every goal and ambition I have as a woman, and as a wife. I feeel as though everything I have been through in my life, every single little and big situation that has occurred in my life has been to prepare me for most important thing I will ever do, to raise a child. My child.

2 is the other obvious, I want a house. I want a place to call mine, and to do with what I please. I want to paint accent walls in vibrant colors and plaster our pictures all over the place to establish it as our house. I want to pull in the driveway and know that its my driveway and no one elses. I want to know my neighbors and feel comfortable with those that surround me. I want to be able to invite overnight guests because we have 3 bedrooms and plenty of space for people to enjoy an overnight stay. We just havent found it yet and its getting frustrating.

3 I dont feel like I am progressing any more in my weight loss and its getting discouraging. I am happy with myself and I know I look good, but I want to look great! I want to be able to go into any store and pick anything off the rack and know that it will fit. I don't want my weight loss goals to consume my life. I dont want to be at the gym every night like I used to when I could be at home with my husband. I have lost 26 lbs and am darn proud of that, but I still want to lose more and I dont want to spend the time doing it. I have matained my current weight without flucuating for a good month now so I know I can mantain it when I get down to my goal weight the problem is just getting there.

4 I want a kitty. thats random.

5 I dont want to work. I have a great full time job where I have been promoted and been made a valuble resource to the owner and managing attorney. I habe stability in it and easiness which I know in this economy is impossible to find. I am lucky to have this job and to be as important as I am, but I dont want to work! I want to be a full time wife. Our apartment is never clean, by the time we both get home we dont want to clean, we cook dinner, make a mess, eat and then dont clean. rinse, repeat 5 times a week makes for a pretty messy kitchen. I want to be my husbands wife, I want to keep our place clean so my husband feels relaxed when he comes home and have dinner ready for him. Right now I feel more like his partner this his wife. I love my job and I love contributing to our bank account so dont get me wrong. I could go to school and get all the education I wanted but it still would never surpass the call to be a wife.

6 I want to see my family more. as it is now we see them once every other week and thats not good enough for me. they are a 45 min drive away and thats not what I want. we are 10 mins from Jasons parents and it needs to be more equal. North salt lake where we are looking to buy a house is 20 mins from each of them. hoorah for that.

I am going to go to sleep now. I only used half the battery.

I need your words of wisdom please :-(

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh what it easter this weekend

Aside from the ward choir singing on sunday this weekend was just like any normal weekend at the powells. Earlier this week I told Jason he HAS to get me an easter basket. I did the christmas stocking so he does the easter baskets, just like he does valentines day and I do our anniversary, fair right?? well Jason didnt think I was serious!! so he DID NOT get me anything for easter. :-( sad right? wrong!! he made up for it. My cute little husband took our basket that we put mail in, and put a whole bunch of stuff from the fridge in it, soday, fruit cans, grapes and pepperoni. He brought it in to me while I was in the bath and he had the cutest look on his face. Its a dark picture but you get the point. He is so cute! I would rather have that then a junk food candy basket any day!

We got our pictures taken on saturday to mark our 6 month mark, but really just because I love having lots of pictures of us! its going to take a week to get them back and I am so impatient! I am supposed to be getting a sneak peek at one picture sometime today or tomorrow and I am on the edge of my seat! I think I am so excited about these pictures because I have lost 26 lbs so I should look great in these pictures!!! I will put up a comparision to our engagement pictures up I am sure.

I am the luckiest girl alive!! I get to see my husband 121 hours out of the week! I don't know many girls who can say that and I know a lot who wish they could. Jason and I are only apart for the 40 hours we work, and an hour each day for driving time to and from work. The rest of the time its me and him, all the time! I love it and I am very blessed to have it that way. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

We can't find a house that we love, so what are we going to do now? BUILD ONE!

Friday, April 10, 2009


BLAH!! That is how I feel right now about the whole house stuff. We put an offer on the home listed below, we offered 20K less then what they were asking because that is what it would be appraised at, so why would be offer more then the house is worth? Well they responded with a counter offer of the full asking price! Retards. So we sent back a rejection, we aren't even going to bother with sending them a counter, its completely their loss. The problem with the market is this, people who bought their house in 2006-2007 bought their house at the WORST time. the inflation on house prices were at the highest point, meaning a house that was only worth 200K people were paying over 300K. Well when the market tanked in 2008 people wanted to sell their houses, their loans were for 300K but the house is only worth 200K! So the problem with our house was they owed 20K more than it was worth and they don't want to take a 20K loss, which is understandable, BUT, no one is going to pay asking price for that house so its gonna sit on the market, they are going to make the loan payment every month, until they lower the price. So FAREWELL to that house! We went out the neighborhood with our Realtor yesterday, looked at 5 houses and fell in love with 2. Jason and I are very against buying an expensive home just because we can afford it. We are approved for a lot more than we have set our budget to, but we don't believe in buying a big house just because we can. A lot of houses have like 2 living rooms, and I only need one! So we have chosen one, but I am not gonna post about it cause I don't want to Jinx it! Lets just say, its as big as the last house, its an actual house with backyard and front yard, has the cutest painted wall in the nursery, and has a HUGE kitchen. Its just as perfect as the last one and its cheaper! It is owned by a cute young mormon couple who have 3 kids and have just outgrown the house. They took WAY good care of it, way nice carpet, walls, the master bath is EXACTLY what we want. We are going have the parents walk through it like we did on the last one, work out our offer and then make an offer. We will see how this one goes!!!
We got very house happy yesterday and we went to Ikea! We already found nightstands that I want at Michaels that are going to be 20$ each with my wonderful coupons! at Ikea we found a TV shelving unit that we like, similar to the picture shown, and some floating shelves that I want. The only other thing I want is Carpet and a Dining room table to match our new chairs. I don't want to get the table at Ikea though. Any ideas on where to get a cheaper but nice dining room table?!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


so. this is a list of thoughts that i have throughout the day. i find myself having the same thoughts day to day so i thought i would document them. lol tee hee. its me right?

"You are, in fact, dumber than any given box of rocks."

"That's what I just said. Say it again."

"no seriously, shut up."

"I wonder what would happen if I stuck this pencil in that little hole in the wall. I think it would stay."

"Don't look at me like that.. I don't really like you either."

"Ok, if I stick this pencil in my eye instead of the hole in the wall, I wonder if he'll stop talking."

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"I need to get an oil change."

"That doodle I made on my desk planner kind of looks like a bunny. How cute."

"shut up. now"

"...And the boots with the furrrr..."

" not only is she wearing the boots with the furr, but she is tucking her pants into the furr.... stop it now."

"I'm going to laugh at that as a favor to you, because that was not even close to funny. It was so far from funny that you can't even see funny anymore. But you seem to be laughing pretty hard at it, so I'll laugh, too."

"Ooops.. Probably shouldn't have said that.. TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK!"

"Um.. Is this a man or a woman?"

" and again, the boots with the furr..."

"my butt is numb"

"does he know what he just said?! take that back a-hole!!"

" so she got rid of the furr boots and she is now wearing pointy shoes...whats the point for? in case you need to take an eye out?"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ConGRatUlatIONs!!!! My cousins Issac and Sara adopted a beautiful baby girl finally!! They have been waiting SO long and been through SO much that I can't think of 2 people who deserve a baby more! I am so excited for them! Her name is Hazel Ann and she is super cute! At least from the one picture I have seen. I just wanted to say congratulations to the new Mommy and Daddy!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I have a lot of emotions right now. I am angry, excited, scared, paranoid, happy, anxious, annoyed, nervous, impatient, violated and just plan tired. I love buying a home, its my home, its our problem if something breaks, its my place to feel safe and secure, I can do WHATEVER I want to it! But the whole process is somewhat stressful. To add to the axiousness to get out, my car got broken into AGAIN. All they took was the stereo, my car alarm was even on. I hate our apartment complex and I plain just hate being in an apartment. I share a building with 11 other units, and a complex with 566 units! that is just too many different types of people all shoved together for my liking. The other day we came home from my parents and there was a pit bull loose running like mad and growling! I just hate it. Anytime we go to the house and drive around or go inside it just feels so peaceful and right. Its my own space where I dont have to worry about people stomping up and down the steps, people breaking into my car, whether or not there is an open treadmill at the gym blah blah blah. Also I HATE my ward. If we moved today and switched wards, no one would even know we left. Our ward includes tons of apartments and duplexes so people are constantly moving out, there is no sense of bonding or unity, unless its the old 50 year old women and I dont wanna be their friends anyway! They havent given us a calling, they havent even asked us to speak! we have been there for 6 months! And its not for lack of trying, I make an effort I promise, there is one couple that we talk to when we go and everyone else is just kinda there. There are ALOT of awkward people. old single people who never got married and just became weird, and just plain weird people. I hate it. the area we are hopefully moving to is SO much better you can just tell. It is such a QUIET area too. there are no shopping centers, no grocery stores, no nothing that would bring traffic other then those that live there. But dont get me wrong, all that stuff is just 10 mins away. I found a loophole in our apartment lease that is going to get us out of our lease without paying anything, BUT when I bring that up with the apartment place, they are going to make us leave right then. So we will be in limbo til we close on our house which could take up to a month. oh well because I hate our apartment complex!
Now for some way exciting news! Jason and I are getting a kitten!!! that is as soon as I can find one! they are hard to find right now! But as soon as we get into our house, and I can find one, its a kitten for us! We don't want kids yet, but we want something! I have looked on KSL, craigslist, and I cant find one thats not black! grrrsh. I want a multi colored one preferrably orange. :-)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

new hair color

Well I guess its not new, its my natural hair color! I let my hair grown out 3 inches so my stylist could match my natural hair color so now I wont have to color my hair anymore!!! YAY! this is a lame pic but being at work I am limited on how I can upload pics. oh wells!