Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday is a special day...wait sunday is....

Today was glorious.

We go to the Marriage and Family Relations Sunday school class in our ward, and I for one, love it.
basically its all the newlyweds in the ward talking about marriage and how to have a better marriage. Its way nice to know that other newlyweds have had to learn the same stuff we have.

Then we came home from church and did the best thing ever.

We cleaned.


and my sweet dear husband agree'd to clean like this.

Oh it was soooo nice. We cleaned every tiny square inch of our place, we moved the couch pieces, 409'd and vacuumed under it(yes I 409 my couch), seriously just spick and span cleaned every little nook and crannie.

and it feels gooooood.

Then my sweet husband let me assemble our Christmas tree!!!

Then it started snowing!!!!!!

I know its not Thanksgiving yet, but if the mall can put up their decorations, so can I.

For dinner my husband made my favorite Mothers home cooked meal, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, with rolls. Fried chicken with olive oil, and wheat bread crumbs mind you.

We rearranged our couch pieces also and I think its better this way. It closes off our living room now and makes social events more comfortable.

I know you are supposed to clean and get ready for Sunday, on Saturday, but today, for my husband and I, it really brought us closer together. :-)

After our Sunday School lesson that inspired us to have a better marriage, this was just what we needed. to work hard, to clean the place we worked so little to mess up.


I love that my husband pulls his weight with the house chores. With us it really is shared equally.

100% + 100% in a marriage = 100%

We don't each give 50% to get 100%, we both give 100% and oh its so great.

Today I am so grateful for my husband and the marriage we have worked so hard to make so great.


Heather said...

I agree- having a clean house makes everything else fall into place! You've once again inspired me! I want to deep clean our house before we go out of town for Thanksgiving. Coming home to a clean place is a great feeling!

bequi said...

Just so you know I read all the way down. ;)