Friday, December 25, 2009



I so just love Christmas.
Don't you?

here is how Christmas went. ( I will try to spare as many lame details as possible)

Spent Festivus (Dec 23rd) at my moms house with her side of the family, eating and doing the Nativity scene to which I have so no pictures of.
but you get the idea.
Christmas Eve afternoon I spent at my moms moms house, exchanging gifts, and chatting.
Jason spent the afternoon with his moms moms since it is her birthday.
Christmas Eve night we spent at my family's house, opening Butterfinger gifts, and watch,"Planes, Trains and Automobiles" due to their recent experience traveling.
long story.
they got stuck in NY for 4 days due to the snow storm that shut down the airports, nearly didn't make it back for Xmas.
but they did, and Christmas was had.
Christmas morning!!!
changed my life.
Jason bought me my first digital SLR camera.
oh how he loves me.
after that its all a little blurry as I was stuck behind my camera all day.
so the only reason I know what happened for the rest of the day, is because I have pictures of it.

This picture is actually at 11pm, but its the only pic of us on xmas.

Jason got an electric razor, and I don't quite understand the face he is making...
the mound of garbage.

ah my favorite part of xmas morning, Jason brought out our little heater from the bedroom so I wouldn't be cold, since I am always cold. lol

ah, I just love this guy.

The only picture of me on christmas, since I was behind the camera.

my new scrapbooking software, so excited.

Jason got some sweet new clubs.

The girls in my family. :-)
Summary: It was a great, mostly relaxing holiday.
we went to my parents in the morning, till about 11, then to his parents and stayed there till after dinner.
I love spending time with family, but when it gets to the point that you are struggling for conversation cause you have been there for 7 hours, I get a little stressed.
So next year the plan is this, my parents in the morning till about 2-3, then his parents till about 6-7. equal time, and just enough time I think. 1 meal per family, thats good right?

It was a drastic improvement from lasts years Christmas, where we were just all over the place and didn't get to relax, and I am sorry but I am not one of those people who think a holiday needs to be all full of stuff, people and places. I just need family, good food and nice comfy place to relax.

and that is what I got. :-)

Now, what do we do for New Year's Eve?

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