I have some new plans for the new house.
If you will remember, from a post I deleted, I had big plans of building my own furniture.
still the plan.
just different furniture.
I want to make this for the front room, possibly two of them.
It seems fairly easy, with the help of my daddy. :-)
I love my daddy and his tools.
I also have more plans for re-doing the house.
I want to re-do all the baseboards like this....

I want tall baseboards. I loooove them. I like the white too, but I think that could get dated so who knows.
BTW, that is exactly the yellow I am painting parts of my house. :-)
I may want to just buy bookshelves like this instead of making them....

Basically lately, I have been getting ideas and inspirations for what I want to do.
Hopefully I have the time to do it.
The goal is to have our house exactly how I want it, before we have a baby. Meaning:
The cabinets re-done.
all the painting.
new kitchen hardware
painting the counter-tops(if Jason lets me do it)
decorating to boot.
all desired furniture in place.
the only thing I think we are really going to not worry about getting done before a baby is the hardwood floors.
So. We close on the 16th of feb. we can start painting on the 17th and plan to move on the 20th. I have enlisted the following to paint- with their consent!
Bequi Chidester
Kourtney Hales **correction** Kourtney Post ;-)
Gabby Russell.
Jason Powell.
Savannah Odekirk
Kris Odekirk.
All those listed above will need to report for duty when available on the 17th. I myself will be there at 3pm. Feel free to come then. I will provide dinner and good times.
for those of you who would like to add yourself to my list, I will do a special dance number for you.
I personally think we will be done painting by the 18th night, or 19th so I will start moving stuff then, even though Jason won't want to. I will do it by myself. :( Maybe I will just do the decorations, the fun part. :)
other then the house, our lives are normal as usual.
Jason is doing great at work and he loves it.
I love my job and I love the people so its hard to see me ever actually wanting to leave.
I will miss my young women so much it makes me cry.
We will be getting a kitten to fill the void.
oh I do need to a living room set for the front room asap, any good ideas where?
I have finished studying for my Personal Trainer exam, but I am sooo scared to take the test. Everyone at work keeps asking when I will take it and my answer is always the same, I am too scared.
I will get over my fear, I hope. :-/