Saturday, January 2, 2010


Over this Christmas season there were a lot of traditions that I heard about that different people do, and I thought they were so sweet.

So I am going to make a list of traditions I want to start or continue with my own family.

1. Putting up the Christmas tree in my house was always a big to do. It never was required that we be there, but over the years we all realized how much fun we have putting it up, for several reason. reason 1 is that my dad blasts the christmas music and we all dance around for about 5 minutes before we start, singing at the top of our lungs and looking silly. reason 2 is that 75% of our ornaments have a story behind them, and every year we always re-tell all the little stories of how we got that particular one, like,"that was the year we were so poor, you kids got a box for Christmas and we told you it was a club house" or "That ornament says Trina on it because that was the year Kati decided to change her name to Trina so her YW leaders put Trina on her ornament." We always have a good time telling the stories that we all already know. reason 3 is that we used to get real trees so if you wanted a say in how big or tall the tree was, you had to be there. I very much want to continue this tradition.

2. Butterfinger the Elf. At my house Butterfinger the elf is a little elf puppet that sits at the bottom of the stairs and "watches" you to see if you are being nice. If you are, then he will bring you a gift that you get to open on Christmas Eve, which is always PJ's. I will continue this one as well.

3. Everyone's bedroom has to be clean or Santa is not coming. My mom seriously said that every year and almost every year we cleaned our rooms so Santa would come. Need I explain why I will carry on this tradition?

4. My family has always done a nativity scene on Christmas Eve, and while I think its a good reminder of Christ, I think the best way to truly encompass the meaning of Christmas, is service. So instead of a Christmas Eve nativity scene, with my family we will read the scriptures about his birth, and then do acts of service on Christmas Eve. like this friend of mine who took oranges to the fire house station to all the fire fighters who have to work on Christmas Eve. Think of all the people who have to work on the holidays that get little or no thanks for it. That will be our Christmas Eve tradition.

5. I read on a blog that someones tradition is to wrap 25 christmas books separately and put them under the tree, and each night they pick one to unwrap, and they read it before bed. I thought that was awful sweet so I already bought 2 books to get my collection started, feel free to contribute to my fund ;-).

6. Sub for Santa. Our YW's at the end of the year had only used, like maybe 10% of their budget for the year, so they decided with the rest of it(which was a lot) to do Sub for Santa for refugees in Utah. It was so sweet, and so fun and I want to do it every year.

7. Now this friend of mine has a tradition in her family that every Christmas they each open one gift, then play a game as a family. Then open one more gift, then play another game, rinse repeat til the gifts are done. That one seems a bit too constructive, but I think its worth a shot, cause they love it!

8. On Christmas Eve night I want all my children to sleep in the same room. Where ever they want, but they will be all together to snicker and laugh til they fall asleep, and then to wake up all together on Christmas morning. I think that would make it so much fun for them.

There are a few more I am sure and I just can't think of them, but there are also a bunch that don't relate to the holidays that I need to write down so I don't forget.

thats all for now, I am off to cuddle with the hubby.


bequi said...

We did the "everyone in one room" tradition growing up. It was lots of fun cramming 9 kids into 1 queen sized bed!

Emeralds On The Move said...

WOW! I love your blog. It is extremely special. Cant wait to read your next blog!

brooklyn said...

love these! we always slept in the same room and i loved it.