Friday, January 22, 2010


I have been sooo tired lately.

which is really unlike me.
The whole house drama we had with the first house really took its toll on me emotionally and I think really affected my sleep quality.

but that house situation is over, we found a new house, a better house, we put in an offer and they accepted it.

I realized I have never really blogged about our drama/trauma with the first house.

I will explain.

Jason and I found this great townhouse in woods cross, 1500 sq 2 car garage, huge master bath, yada yada, the works. listing price was 164,900.


it had been on the market for 8 days, and this was over the holidays so we knew the chances that others who were serious about buying were slim. We hauled butt to put an offer in on a saturday because we KNEW if we waited, other offers would come in and we would get into a bidding war, raising the price.

Well, the seller had a retarded agent name Sandra. Sandra is a slow, old, retarded, mean, ugly, nasty lady who has no clue what she is doing or the legal documents she is working with. On Wednesday, after several counter offers, our agent talked to Sandra and came to a verbal agreement over the phone, Karin(our agent) told Sandra to create a counteroffer outlining the agreement and send it to us to sign, to put us under contract.

she did.

we signed. And we sent it back to her, putting us under contract, which means they can not accept or negotiate other offers.

4 days later Karin calls us to tell us that Sandra is negotiating other offers and wants our highest and best offer. She can't do that.

but she did.

What happened is this. Sandra found a buyer, her own buyer, had them put an offer in and then accepted theirs instead so she would get commission as the selling agent and the buying agent.

Thats illegal.

So, we did not send in a highest a best offer because we firmly believe we were under contract and should not have to bid. so we didn't. Instead we filed formal complaints with the Utah Department of Real Estate, who I work with, and the Salt Lake Board of Realtors.

well the bottom line is that Sandra purposefully did not put her sellers signature on the offer until after we sent ours in, and then did not send us a copy with signatures on it, so technically there was nothing we could do without an attorney, and that could take months.

The UDRE and SLBR will both separately be fining Sandra up to 2500$ for her actions.

I also wrote her an email explaining how I felt about her.
It was ugly, trust me.

And then, we found our house!!!
and actual house!
with a yard!
it is bigger, better and so much better for us.
The first house was really cheap, but had an HOA of 110$ a month which adds about 25K to the price of your home.
so in the end we are paying a little bit more for the house, but getting a lot more also.

here are the differences in the 2 houses.

Townhome had 3 bathrooms. House has 2, with 1 unfinished.
townhome had huge master walk in closet. House has a normal closet.
townhome had no dining room, just a tiny area for possibly a table. House has a full huge dining room.
townhome had 3 bedrooms, house has 4.
townhome had a huge jetted tub. House has normal tub, but we will be finishing the unfinished bathroom with a huge jetted tub.
townhome had maybe 5 feet of a backyard. Home has a huge vinyl fenced in backyard with a basketball hoop out front.
townhome had a smaller living room. House has 2 huge living room.
townhome had a regularish sized kitchen. House has huge kitchen with a huge island.

So, both have their pros and cons, but overall I think we for sure came out on top with the House.

I will post pictures when we actually move in, cause right now all the pictures have all their ugly stuff in it. :-)

well, thats the story.

Today was the home inspection, nothing wrong with the house, and now we just "coast to closing"


I love coasting.


Hailey said...

I have been meaning to tell you how excited I am about your new house! The issue with the first place sounded like a total nightmare.

Unknown said...

Congrats! I think I've commented before about what a horrific time my boyfriend and I had with purchasing a home, any little thing you could think of would come up and delay plans or paperwork... I don't even like thinking about it. But we ended up with the perfect place for us for now. I'm glad you were able to find a home you love and not settle! Getting past inspection is one of the best parts - just wait until you get your keys!