Friday, February 12, 2010


Right now, I should be packing.

But I am not. eeks.

Here is the latest going ons with us.

We are moving! on the 20th we will move into our new house. :-) We close on the Tuesday and we are very excited. It really does break my heart to leave my young women, but I know we will still be great friends ;-). We can not wait to get out of this apartment, in the last 2 months its really gotten annoying. people moved in upstairs who are sooo loud its pretty miserable to live under them. I am excited to have a garage! attached to my house!! so I don't ever have to walk outside to my car!!!!! EEKS!!! lol We are really ready to move, except the packing. lol

I took my Personal Trainer exam.
It did not go well.
And I stand by the fact that its 95% not my fault, so I will be re-taking it again soon.
Enough said.

Jason is going out of town on business in March to New York. Brat. So, I will need lots and lots of company from you. :) Unless I can find some friends to stay the nights at my house with me, I will be sleep at my moms. lol, seriously. I can't sleep in a place alone. Maybe if someone comes over and stays right up until I go to bed, I MAY be able to sleep, but who knows. I am a wimp.

I can't get enough of babies and kids lately, wonder why ;-)
2 girls at work just had babies so when they bring their babies in I just hold them until I am forced to give them back. :(
I don't know when it will happen for us, right now its kind of all up to me, and I am having trouble with it. I just don't feel like I am ready to be done with this chapter of my life, make sense? As soon as I have a baby, I become their mom, and thats who I am. Right now I am me, I am kati and I am having fun being who I am and doing what I like to do. So, until I have had my fill of that, its the childless life for us. :)
I guess I am being kind of selfish...

I love trying new foods, love it. I recently tried newer things and was shocked that there were other foods out there I liked other then what I already knew. With that, I am excited to start a garden. I am waaay nervous about it because it seems like a big task, but I think its do-able if I get started right. I will let you know how that goes :)

I am trying to think of anything else....

Work is good on both ends.
Jason got a lateral type promotion that will lead to bigger promotions so he has been doing a lot with getting that ready and learning new duties. Hopefully he still loves it.
Oh, I am excited for a perk we just found out about at Jason's work. They will pay for me to have a gym membership!! yay! so next week I am going to sign up at the south davis rec center which is like 10 mins from our house, and his work is paying for it. :) I love Jason's work.

Well, I guess I will go eat some squash and pack. GRR.

Happy Friday to me.
My job is the same. lol. But its fun and I like it. I think you have a good job when on Sunday night it doesn't depress you to think about going to work the next day.

1 comment:

It's said...

I know the feeling of hating to pack. I personally hate unpacking. It's just so annoying. And where does Jason work that they pay for the membership?