Saturday, February 13, 2010


Today is the first day of the move, meaning packing.

It went better then I thought it would, packing went smoothly, in an organized fashion.

Then when it is all packed and boxed up, I get to clean like this one more time at our apartment.

I started packing the cleaning supplies, and had to laugh at how much of it I have. This is just one box. There is just no such thing as too clean, I think.

Its a little bitter sweet. I love having a house and a place thats mine and I can do whatever with, but that means this chapter of our life, the apartment living, is over.

That is a little sad.

No more mail walks
no more stealing other peoples parking spaces
No more telling the neighbors to be quiet
no more "gotta get the groceries all in one trip!"
no more walking to grill to BBQ
no more depending on the front office to sign for packages
and sadly, no more living in Sugarhouse.
that is the saddest part.

But its for the better. Jason and I have done the apartment thing for 17 months, and now we will do the house thing for hopefully the rest of our lives.

Having a mailbox.
Having the garbage can just outside the back door.
Having lots and lots of space.
a permanent ward and friends.
Living in Davis County again. :-)
living closer to my family and still close to his.
having a garage.
a real dining room.
a place for a baby to go. :) One day.

So many things to look forward to.

This is what my apartment looks like at this very minute, and it drives me crazy. So crazy.
I can not stand this type of chaos. I really miss when my living used to look like this all the time. It will be that way now, I promise.

This is what my bedroom floor looks like. But if we are being honest, its looked like that for a month now lol.

Packing sucks.
But Jason and I have made it less sucky.
Every hour on the hour, we stop what we are doing and play a game. Scrabble, Uno, Go fish etc.
It helps to break any stress or tension there may be, and lets us have fun for a little bit.
I highly recommend it for packing strategies.

It is getting sooo close I can taste it.
Next time I blog, it will be about my new home. :-)

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