Saturday, March 6, 2010



I love my house.

Well, again, we are all moved it.
People keep asking me that so I keep saying it.

We are officially all packed and put away, minus the decorations that have been sitting all over the floor in my front room.

But tonight, I made progress with them.

Good or bad progress, I don't know, you be the judge and tell me.

This is in the front room, obviously above the coat closet.
Its a random assortment of things, with a churchy theme.
I may tweak it a little here and there, but I am almost certain I like it. :)

This is the dining room, pay no attention to the mess on the table.
Really its just the one wall I have done so far, I don't know what I will be doing on the brown one. Curtains maybe?
The vase is filled with the flowers from my bouquet on our wedding day. :)

I really like this arrangement, I just need to figure out what else to fill the space with that isnt too heavy. Floating shelves are tricky little things.

The picture is my favorite church picture. Its the Sacred Grove with a sentence that says," What happened here changed the world let it change your life"

These are flowers that are going on the table once the fake water decides to harden.
Alright well those are my decorations thus far.
What do you think?
I don't want things to look too cluttered or busy, and I want to keep it modern with a dash of traditional.
How am I doing?


My next task is to recover the pillows on our couch, and to decorate that living room.
Its still weird to me that I have 2 living rooms.

Oh yeah, did I mention we got a kitten?
Meet Reesie Powell.

She is black and brown, hence her name.
She is awful cute, awful bratty and awful loving.

We love her to pieces.
Reese's pieces. :)
Well thats us.

Jason spent the week in New York, I didn't blog about it in case some freak stalks my blog and would know I was home alone. eeks.
I worry.
He is home now.
I love him.

1 comment:

It's said...

I think it looks great! I need to do something with my bouquet. It's just sitting at my parents house dried. I'm so jealous you're all moved in. We aren't fully unpacked and we moved in the day before Oliver was born. which may or may not have been in December. Whoops