Thursday, March 18, 2010


oh my goodness.
Today was glorious.
for one reason.
Let me explain.

I wanted something.
Something I have always thought was cool and fun but never really put effort into finding.
Whenever I was at a thrift store, I would secretly glance and see if they had one.
I had yet to find one.

Well, today I decided I REALLY want one.
So I googled search for thrift stores in salt lake and found one that sounded promising.
oh was I right.

I searched the whole store, top to bottom and was heart broken to not find one.
Till I came to the bin.
THE bin.
tangled in a mess of random useless cords and old broken phones, I found it.



Isn't she pretty?
She needs a good cleaning, but oh I was so elated when I found it.
Such color.
She fits RIGHT in.
I need to make sure I do her justice.

BTW here is my living room. :)

OH I just love my new couches.
And they are sooo comfy.

Alright, now I need your opinion.

Below you will find 4 different variations of my coffee table decor.
You must vote.

(the mirror will mostly likely get painted white.)

Oh it has been so much fun decorating.

I love it.


mikeandjess said...

I choose C

The Hicks Family said...

I vote D.. looks personal and not staged! :)

Heather said...

They are all cute, but I like D the best. That phone is so amazing- I LOVE IT!

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

That is a way cute phone. :) I like C

bequi said...

I like A, but mostly I think it's funny that you're decorating your coffee table. Is this RC Willey? Every coffee table just gets junk put on it. Mail, keys, cats, etc.

But the mirror is definitely too much.

Tigan Robinson said...

I Vote for A because when decorating a coffee table you have to remember that you will be able to see all side of any objects placed there. So while the front of a picture in a frame looks great staged for a photo the back side of it might not be as appealing when you acctually sit on your cute sofas. If your worried about it being to bland think about accessories that will bring about a good conversation. If your looking for a great consignment accessory shop try Emily Janes on 8th & 8th in downtown SLC. I'll be doing a review on it on my blog really soon. Well that's my two cents worth.
