Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MY baby.

Thoughts on having your own house.


I love it, first of all.

For some reason, to me at least, owning my own house makes me keep in nicer and cleaner then anything I have ever owned.
I hate when it is dirty, and not just hate it and deal with it, hate it and won't stop til its clean.
and you know how I clean.
which brings me to my next subject.

This beauty.
This, is my life saver.
You all know I spill things, make messes, whatever.
You also know I am a clean freak.
so those don't mix well.
But this gem has saved my life, or at least the life of my carpet and couch. :)
Its obviously an upholstery cleaner, but the best part is seriously the scrub brush on the top.
Its a one step process to cleaning up a mess, most of the time.
I love it, and you should get it.

I love having space. sooo much space.
I love that I have options of where I want to be in the house and its not all contained within a 700 sq feet parameter.
I use my dining room table so much more now.

the thing I love the most about my kitchen though is my radio. :)
We have never had a radio or CD player in our place before, never thought to.
But it makes cleaning and other things so much more pleasant and even fun when I have music in the background. I watch a lot less TV now.

Really, its over said, but I love being able to do whatever I want to the house. Its really the best part.
I love not having to hear all the noisy neighbors.
No walking to my car.
no walking to the garbage.

sigh. I love it.

I won't lie to you, this will not be the last post about the house.
But really, the house is my baby.
so it will be blogged about, like you blog about your baby. :-)

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