Thursday, September 30, 2010

your opinions are greatly appreciated.

I swore I would never say this, because in the moment it is simply not true and those who say it to you instantly become an annoyance.
But the first trimester went by really fast.
Ugh, I really never thought I would say that.
When I was 8 weeks, tired and sick as a dog, people said that to me. I did not believe them, and it seemed like week to week was dragging.
They say that 97% of miscarriages happen up to the 13th week, so I had that to be paranoid about.
And because of our previous miscarriage, that we didn't know was a miscarriage, finding out we were only 4.5 weeks along, was excruciating.
but here I am, 13.5 weeks, second trimester, feeling much better and thinking, that first trimester went by really fast.
I do have a bump, most of the time its not obvious that its a baby bump, it just looks like I have eaten too many cookies.
onto the next topic I am sure you are all annoyed with...
Don't worry, I am giving Halloween its dues. I went to a bunch of stores yesterday and stocked up on Halloween decor.
I can't wait to put them up, the only thing standing in my way is cleaning my house. ugh.
Here is a question I have.
I got a lot of pumpkin type stuff. Cause, you know, its Halloween.
But are pumpkin decorations really ok to keep up through Thanksgiving?
I just feel silly wanting to get so many decorations for 1 month. I would be more ok with it if it were for 2 months. :)
With that all in mind, I am going to the fabric store today to pick fabric for table runners.
normally I hate table runners, I think they are grandmaish and cheesy. But lately I have been thinking that they will complete a centerpiece, and if chosen correctly, can use modern simple fabric.
I am going to have it run width wise, instead of length wise, for several reason. 1 I think it will be more simple and modern. 2 Our table has a leaf, that makes it longer, and I dont want to have to make the runner extra long just for those few times we use it, so width wise I won't have to worry.
So we will see.
So with that, I think my Thanksgiving decor will be the same as my Halloween decor, minus the trick or treat door sign.
I am REALLY excited to start collecting Christmas decor.
When we were in our apartment, sure I got a few little things here and there, but nothing that when you walk in you can just feel Christmas.
which, speaking of Christmas decor, Jason and I are going to get our tree out soon.
but not because we are Christmas decorating, we have to get our cats used to it, and teach them not to climb it, before we put our ornaments on it. I am a little nervous for it, I really don't think they will ever get bored of it.
second question, for those of you with houses, when do you put up your christmas lights? obviously its too early to turn them on, but there is no snow, its now wet, its much safer to do it now as apposed to November right?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sick and Hungry

I am sick.
I can complain about this, cause is it not pregnancy related.
It sucks.
I have a sore throat, cough, runny nose, stuffy nose and anything else that makes being sick, suck.
The thing I hate about being sick, is Jason is great with taking care of me, until he catches what I hate. then he has no sympothy.
sigh, that time has come.
It should be noted I blame all of this on Kourtney Post, as most things can be blamed on her.
In other news, our fantastic anniversary trip is in 2 weeks and 5 days, so its exactly 3 weeks til gender determination.
and 2 weeks and 7 days until the 49er's game. Which Jason is way more excited about. Which I am ok with since I spent 400$ on the tickets so he could sit on the 2 row in the endzone.
It must be said, I am a good wife.
Jason and I go out to eat a lot lately, since I not exactly in the mood to cook every night. Here is a list of our favorite places to eat, that you should for sure try.
(After typing I realized its mostly pizza places, oh well)
Centerville-Firehouse Pizza: They have delicious pizza, that is not your typical order in pizza. its like gourmet pizza, with oh so delicious cheese sticks.
Layton-The Pizza Place: Now, it should be warned first that this place is a total hole in the wall. Keep your eyes forward, don't look at the floor, wall, ceiling etc. But man their breadsticks are to die for.
Salt Lake- Wild Mushroom Pizza: This too is a hole in the wall, just not as bad. They have OMG SUPER delicious cheesesticks. Jason has declared them to be the best cheesesticks he has ever had. Its all we get when we go there.
Bountiful-Joy Luck: Chinese, and so yummy. The best part is their egg drop soup, its creamy and salty and sweet. Their chicken dishes are so good and fresh, they have a lot of fruit chicken dishes, Orange chicken, strawberry chicken, etc.
Ogden-Tony's Pizza: Another sorta hole in the wall, and also another pizza joint...but we don't get the pizza when we go! I mean sometimes we do, since we are there, but their best item is their huge, delicious Pastrami Sandwich, ask for no ketchup. Its at least 10 in long and 4 inches wide, full of pastrami goodness.
This was not a good idea, my mouth is now watering for a delicious pastrami sandwich.
I will continue this list on another, less hungry day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finding out the gender!

So Jason and I have an anniversary coming up, and can I just tell you it is going to be perfect.

Because we are going to find out the gender of the baby!!

say it with me...EEKS!

Jason and I are going to San Fran, CA to attend a 49ers game, Jason's "dream."

The day after the game, on our 2 year anniversary, we are going to have a 3D-4D ultrasound session at a place down there, to determine gender!

I can't think of a more perfect time to find out what our baby is, then on our wedding anniversary, where we became an eternal family. And together, alone, away on a blissful, relaxing vacation, where we can truly soak it all in and celebrate what we will know.

I am sure we will do more fun things while we are there, maybe top it off with a temple visit, and jet back.

We are obviously telling our parents first, and we aren't doing it over the phone or internet, so we will have to wait to announce it to the world until we get back. :)

Which may kill me.
The plan to tell our parents: 2 options, tell me which one you like best. 1. go out to dinner, give the waiter a cake before hand, that says its a girl or its a boy, and have him bring out after we eat. 2. plan a dinner at our house, eat dinner, then put a cake on the table where the inside color of the cake is either blue or pink.
Whatdoya think?

But oh my, I can not wait or stand the anticipation of our anniversary.
25 more days. :)
It is going to bring so much excitment!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

pretty comical story, I think.

So I have a funny story that I can't just not share.

Tonight the hubby and I were relaxing in our downstairs living room, Jason was working, I was watching One Tree Hill, all was normal.
**(Now, I am sure we are not alone in this, but when its just us as home, being lazy, Jason and I lounge around in our underwear, our G's. ya know? )**
Then there is a knock at the door.
We look at each other with a pondering"who could that be?" look on our faces.
We had no idea, it was about 7:40.
Luckily, this night I chose to stay fully dressed for some reason. So Jason looks at me and this is our conversation-
Jason:" Well, I am not dressed, go get it!"
Me: "Me? what if it is a murderer? you know how I feel about murderers."
Jason: "Good Luck."
So I go to the door, expecting to find a salesman, instead I find...our hometeacher!!
aw crap! Totally forgot that was tonight!
So I open the door, and make sure to talk loud enough that Jason can tell who it is, and that we are now in a weird situation where we need to get Jason dressed, without being awkward about it.
So I let him in, have him sit on the couch while I frantically run upstairs to get Jason clothes. But then I realize I can't just bring him down clothes, because I would pass the home teacher, who would see, and then that moment would be awkward as opposed to when he reads this later from his wife's blog. ;)
So I think, quickly, how to get clothes to Jason. Our bedroom is right above where he is. I grab a handful of clothes, open the window, pop out the screen, and drop them down below to the sliding door.
Now, I have to go down there, and tell Jason where they are, while passing the home teacher.
so I run downstairs, make a brief stop at the home teacher and mutter something like,"uh, he must be downstairs..."
run downstairs only to find Jason about to walk up the stairs, fully clothed!!! WHAT?!
Well I forgot our laundry room is currently full of clothes, so Jason, obviously being smarter than I, ran dow there and got dressed.
Ok. So we go upstairs, pretend like none of this ever happened, and I am sure will have a funny conversation in the future about this with our wonderful home teacher. :)
I know what you are thinking, this would only happen to Kati. :) Glad I could keep you all entertained.

pregnancy Q&A's

So people keep asking me the same questions, which I don't mind the questions, its just when its the same ones over and over it feels like it makes the time go by more slowly.
so I will answer all questions, right now. :)
1. When are you due? April 6th. I keep switching Doctors, and they keep switching the date, so for right now, its April 6. which really, isn't that just a great historical date? ;)
2. When do you find out what you are having? Well normally Dr's won't even try until 18-22 weeks. Fortunately I have an awesome Dr who will try every time to find out, so he said as early as 15 weeks. cross your fingers!
3. what are you hoping for? A healthy baby! after that, I am hoping for a girl, and Jason is hoping for a boy, BUT we both feel like its a girl. We have felt since before we got pregnant that our first baby would be a girl, so we will see if we were right. If it is a boy, we will be delighted, because I am falling more and more in love with the nursery decor if its a boy. :) watch, now I have jinxed it. ;)
4. Where will you deliver? Cottonwood Hospital. when I was in a car accident, they took me to the bountiful Lakeview hospital, where we originally wanted to go. However, after being there we decided it was not nice enough and we didn't like it. So, our next choices were the new Murray hospital, or Mckay Dee in Ogden. Jason doesn't think he will want to drive to Ogden when I go into labor, so I let him decide on Murray. My Dr delivers exclusively at Murray, so it works out, and he said they are very friendly to all forms of birth. I want a natural, unmedicated birth, so I was pleased to hear they do those all the time.
5. how are you feeling? Awful. No, really. that is my answer when people ask, and they always think I am kidding. I am not. I feel sick all the time, I feel full all the time, I have to pee twice a night which I then can't get back to sleep after, its depressing to get fat, even if it is to have a baby, and I have the energy level of an 80 year old. Actually the energy level has gotten a lot better, but the rest is still true. :) BUT, as uncomfortable as pregnancy is, it is still pretty amazing to know what is going on inside with my little one. That Heavenly Father is working inside me to perfect this precious little person that one day will do amazing things. So its all worth it, and I already know that. :)
6. What are your cravings? I don't have cravings, and I don't really think they exist. I think women are naturally more hungry when they are pregnant, and when you are hungry your mind goes wild with the possibilities, pinpoints one that sounds good and then your mind gets stuck on it. which is fine, I have those. I just don't think its my body telling me I need it. With that being said, my must-have's have been: soft tacos, mashed potatoes and gravy, rich chocolate and milk, chicken in a biscut crackers, grapes, pizza place breadsticks(mmmm) and ginger ale. :)
7. Were you guys trying to get pregnant? Yes! Jason and I wanted to wait to get pregnant until we were in a house, and a financial place where we could live comfortably without me working, and I wanted to get my Personal Trainer certification first. So, as soon as all that happened it was in the "trying phase" for us! If you know me, you know I am impatient, so 4 months of trying and I was dying of anticipation. 2 months later we were pregnant and very excited.
8. do you have names picked out? Pretty much. If it is a girl, it is for sure going to be Piper Ann. If it is a boy, it most likely will be Dallas David, unless we can find something we both like more.
Any other questions?
Now, things that I think about, or realize.
*when putting the silverware away I realize Jason and I keep all of our knives where the spoons and forks are, even the sharp ones. I realize I need to find a new place for them.
*cleaning my front room I realize the decor I have on the coffee table, will need to be moved to higher pastures.
* when we jet out for a quick soda or treat, it will take us a lot longer than 2 minutes to get in the car.
*when I am at the grocery store, I think about how I will have a baby carseat in the front, and that I can't take my eyes off of it.
*Getting ready for the holidays I get excited to know that next year, Baby Powell will have their own stocking that we will hang next to ours.
* thinking about getting the christmas tree out, I need to get unbreakable ornaments, and hang things higher.
* I am already thinking about who I trust to babysit, and how soon I will feel comfortable leaving the baby alone with someone.
*with Halloween coming up I get SSOOOOO excited to be able to dress up my baby, and go for halloween walks, and trick or treating in the neighborhood.
* I think about how in church, I won't be able to always listen to the speakers, or lessons. that I will have someone else to care for.
* I am constantly reading and learning ways to raise children. with discipline, learning, training etc. I have seen a lot of ways I absolutely do not want to do things, and I am constantly aware of making sure I don't form habits that will lead to that. right now I practice on my cats. :D
*I have to admit, I am scared. I have obviously never been through this, and I am scared I won't be good enough. I am scared I will make too many mistakes. I am scared it won't come natural to me.
so pretty much everyday I am constantly thinking of all the ways our life is going to change, and be different. And I loooove it. I think Jason and I are at the perfect point to start a family, and I am sooo glad we waited. I know a lot of people have kids right away, and thats fine for them. But I love that Jason and I will have had 2.5 to ourselves, to learn about each other, to be together, to go on vacations, lots of dates, random activities etc.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pregoness in all its glory

2 posts in one day?
that is what happens when the husband is away. :)
Actually I just wanted to post my first pregnancy picture where I actually look a little pregnant.
The shirt is an empire waist shirt, so it makes my stomache look a little bigger than it is, but I am ok with it because I feel 10 times bigger than that!
I am used(well the last 2 years) to a more toned, tight tummy. So to look down and see it getting more and more flabby is really starting to get to me, and I am serious. I should be happy about it, and embracing it, but I just hate it. :( I love my baby, hate my tummy.

So here I am at almost 12 weeks.
As I am typing right now, I really really want to throw up. lol just in case you were wondering.
Side note, what do you think: Fetal Studios in SL does 3D imaging to determine gender, at 14 weeks! I am trying to convince Jason to do it, since my nerves are killing me, but he is stuck on the price. 59$. is that too much? would you pay that? cause I certainly will!

Meet the players

Hello! Ready for the Dinner party post?


Our dinner party was last night(obvi) and it was oober fun.

It was kind of stressful around 1 pm, because I had absolutely nothing. No food, no decorations, nothing.

Quick trip to Zurchers for some cheesy party decorations(it was a sports theme, cant really get far from cheesy) and a mad dash to Albertson's settled it all.

Then it was a crazy stir of running around my house to make: 7 layer dip, Shrimp dip(omg it was so good), chocolate cake, and the taco meat.

It all came together nicely with an hour to spare and cuddle with the hubby.

at 6:58 our first guest arrived, because she was starving. lol

Meet Kourtney and Kyle:

Kourtney is one of my BFF's. I met Kourtney on her mission, at Temple Square. She returned off her mission to her family in Layton, where she spoke in my Single's Ward, and the rest is BFF history. Kourtney married Kyle, who is adorable for her and they are adorable together. Kourtney and Kyle came as hard core Bronco fans. :)

We chatted for a few minutes, introduced Kyle to his Bronco chips, and then welcomed these three to the party.

Meet Whitney, Ty and baby Maddux(or is it Maduxx, Whitney? lol)

Whitney and I went to high school together at Layton high. We ate lunch together often, and exchanged funky socks at Christmas. Whitney moved to Cedar for school and met Ty. Funny thing about this is, Ty and Jason also went to high school together. They had choir together and share their pride in Murray high. So this friendship is really kind of cute, just like this super yummy baby Maddux they added to their family, 4 months ago. They family came as sports fans, right down to the baseball on Baby Maddux's bum.

We did intros to Kourtney and Kyle, oogled at the baby, and then said hello to the last of our guests, these three.

Meet: Jordan, James and Baby, er, Toddler Owen.

James and Jason grew up together in Murray, so actually James, Jason and Ty already knew each other. James met Jordan, 3 years ago? got married and had Owen a little after. I laugh with this friendship because James and Jason are the connection, but Jordan and I talk and hang out way more than they do lol. Their family came as Alabama fans, and Owen as a Ute fan. Don't worry, Jason forgave them.

Then here is your hosts for the night!

Meet US!
Obviously you know our story, I was a Texas fan(mainly to be comfy in one of Jason's shirts) and Jason of course sporting the new Jazz jersery he hasn't taken off since I got it for him 3 weeks ago. sigh, that boy of mine.

We had a whole lot of fun. Seriously. I knew everyone would get along, laugh and enjoy each others company, and I don't think I could have been more right.

We shared funny stories from seeing parents peeing, to people in pickle suits(oh wait, those were both Kyle. lol)

We talked about common interests. The women gabbed about babies, clothes, marriage, friend, etc. The men gabbed about sports, sports, sports.
We weren't.

We ate soft tacos for dinner(thanks to my latest pregnancy must have) with 7 layer dips, a million types of beans, and people brought their favorite dips, which were all yummy.

Then we thought we just couldn't eat anymore, we had Pace bars and chocolate cake.

It was a night of a lot of fun, and we plan on doing it again. :)

Thanks to all the players that made it a fabulous night.!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So I occassionaly browse etsy for cute ideas.
so who wants to make these for me?
and these?
and I want to make this, but I have no idea how. ideas?

On to more fun matters.
Baby stuff. hehehe

The day after we find out the sex of the baby, the nursery will be done.
ok maybe not entirely, but rest assured, it will be super close.
I have it all designed, purchased and layed out for either gender, more so for a girl but thats because it just has more stuff in it.
We want to tell our parents the gender in a fun, special way, instead of just a phone call, so we have decided to invite them both for a dinner that night and order a cake that will give it away with the color the inside of the cake will be.
We are just having trouble deciding if we will invite others, a sibling and maybe Grandmas.

I have an appointment this morning with a new OBGYN that got perfect ratings online and takes like a year to get an appointment with unless your prego. I just wasn't totally in love with the OB I have been seeing, so I am gonna change it up. The only thing this changes is now we will have to deliver in the Murray IHC hospital. Which is fine, it just means my parents will have to drive farther.
I am kind of excited to see him, because I have been having the weirdest symptom. I keep burping! its like non stop, 10 times an hour I burp. its gross and I am hoping there is something they can give me for that.

Advice: I know I need a comfy chair in the nursery, but I really don't want to get a glider. They are big and ugly. Have any of you just had a regular rocking chair, or anything else you really liked?
Kinda like this one...
I just want something small for the corner.
I love that there are a bunch of people pregnant at the same time as me. :) It makes me really fun. I thought everyone that could be pregnant already was and had their little ones but there is a whole new bunches of people that are due from 2 months before me, to 2 weeks after me. loooove it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Update, holidays, vent.

I am this close ( ) to being done with the first trimester, I can feel it. Each day the placenta takes over, I feel that much more energized, and I am loving it.

Baby Powell looks like this...

Wee one is getting big! The wee one is now the size of a lime, working on a plum.

The nausea is slowing tapering off, which I can not be more grateful for. My baby bump is the same size it was when it first came a week or two ago, thank goodness for that. I am not as tired as I was week 8-10. So pretty much I am leaving first base and moving to second. way excited.

In other news- My car should be fixed Thursday, I will be glad to get it back. I really dislike driving a rental car.

This weekend is the dinner party! I am pretty excited about it. We are having 4 sets of our married friends over, and I can't wait because I know they will like each other. The theme is a sports theme, for the boys, so everyone will come wearing their favorite sports team apparel. Haven't quite nailed done the menu, but that will only take 5 minutes. I only work until noon that day, so I can spend the afternoon getting ready. Be assured the dinner will get its very own post equipped with pictures to boot.
I am also very excited for the holidays! Jason and I knew this time last year that it was possible there would be 3 of us this year. So each holiday we would say this could be the last Halloween just the 2 of us, last thanksgiving just the 2 of us etc. But this year it really is true! St pattys day will be our last holiday just the two of us. Halloween I will be, like 16 weeks I think? So I won't be showing that much, so no pumpkin stomach costumes for me! Jason and I already have our costumes picked out. :) The holidays this year will actually be different than other years. If you will remember from 2 years ago I vowed never to be busy on Christmas again. Last year was a lot better, and this year will only get better. My extended family decided, finally, that its too much work, hastle and loudness to get the whole family together on holidays, so we are breaking off!! Each family is now doing their own thing, so this year its my mom and me doing Thanksgiving at her house, and I am excited. 2 years ago I decided, that going to visit the Grandmas on Christmas was just waaay too much travel, and not enough rest and enjoyment. So I said that Christmas Eve would be Grandmas night. Well my Grandma on my mom's side is still having everyone over on Christmas to exchange gifts, so sadly we will not be able to attend since we will be spending the second half of the day with Jason's family. (geeze this is a long paragraph) So this year, the holidays will be a lot more quiet, relaxed, and pleasant.
Which I just remembered I wanted to vent about something.
***WARNING: The following comments may be considered rude, and offensive. So don't read if you are a prude. :D ***
Trunk-or-Treats piss me off. Yep I said it. Utah(although I know its done other places) has become a big Trunk-0r-Treating state thanks to the church activities committee and I think its annoying. Reasons:
1. Trunk-or-Treats in utah are usually hosted by your local mormon ward. (* it should be noted that I AM LDS) Although non-members are always invited, they usually never come for obvious reason and thats rude. Its rude that everyone leaves their homes, turns off their porch lights to go pow wow for an hour in the church parking lot leaving the non member kids no where to get candy. And before you comment saying,"Well in my ward they are always invited, and in my ward a lot of them come etc" I don't care, even if most of them come, some of them don't. And given that Halloween is anything but a religious holiday, church, in my opinion should stay out of it.
2. It feeds paranoia. Not only for parents, but for kids. The kids will ask why are they going to a parking lot, and not door to door, and as mommy tries to explain away her lame paranoia, she will pass it along to her child.
3. Believe it or not Utah, there are actually people here that don't have kids yet! And they don't want to drive their car to the local church and just sit their with their trunks open. They like having the kids run up and ring their doorbell, and making them say trick or treat.
4. The biggest reason that I personally think Trunk or Treats have because popular in Utah is because Utah is L-A-Z-Y. Yep I said it. you could do 100 seasons of biggest loser just in Utah and still not make a dent in our climbing obesity rate. If you are so paranoid about some car pulling up and snatching your kid on Halloween, then get your butt off the couch and go with them!
5. Not only does it supports parents being fat, it encourages our youth to be fat! Good freaking heck who decided this was a good thing? Heaven knows with all the candy the kids are going to get, they NEED to do some running around. Halloween is about running around the neighborhood with your friends, or parents if they are little, and having so much fun, getting so tired, that when they get home they are so tired they fall asleep in their costume.
I will not take part in Trunk or Treats, and if my ward/stake decides to do one on Halloween, I will be writing a letter to my stake president explaining reasons why this is ridiculous.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Car accident

Today was a bad day.
I was stopped at a stop light, and the person behind me hit me, going 35-40 miles an hour.
It hurt, like H*ll.
My head just whipped forward into the steering wheel and I blacked out for a couple seconds, when I came to I was bawling, my neck hurt really bad, and I started cramping.
I called 911, told them I was in an accident and that I was pregnant. Apparently that gets attention because within 5 minutes there was 2 cops, a fire truck and an ambulance. (not sure what the fire truck was for.)
After I called 911 I called Jason, crying, told him I was in an accident, and he said he would be right there.
Well they decided to rush me to the hospital, so the EMT called Jason and told him to meet us there.
I was there for 4 hours, and man did I get hungry!
They did an XRay on my neck(baby was protected), an ultra sound for the baby, baby is fine, but they did see some bleeding in my uterus, so they did a pelvic exam and everything was normal. Sigh.
The ultra sound did show that the baby was measuring bigger than 10 weeks, 10 weeks and 4 days. :D So they moved the due date to April 4th. :D
My car we think is totaled, we won't know for sure until the estimate, but until then enterprise is sending a rental.
My neck hurts, my head hurts, my lower back where my bulging disc is kind of hurts, but other than that, I am fine.
I will post the ultra sound pic when I feel better.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pregnancy Update

I haven't blogged about the last couple weeks, because they were all the same.
I was sooo tired.
sooo nauseous.
and sooo wanting the first trimester to be over.
Almost there!

Its nearing the end of week 10, and almost into week 11. The baby looks like this....

Its starting to look more and more like a human everyday! haha. Anytime I show Jason a picture of the babys development he says it looks like an alien. Which it sort of did for the first little while, but now it has its toes, fingers, eyes and everything!

Today, I feel more energized than I have this whole pregnancy, so I am taking advantage of it, blogging, working out, cleaning, cooking, scrapbooking, all the things I have wanted to do this whole time but didn't have the energy to do it.

I think I have a baby bump, but its not a bump, my stomach is just more round. I would post pictures if I actually thought it was cute lol.

Food- Food has been a traumatic part of this pregnancy. I always thought when you are pregnant, you love food and can't get enough of it, but boy was I wrong! I love food as much as I did, but I can't stomach it. I don't have cravings, I just have foods that at the moment sound edible, and then the foods that make me want to hurl. My recent foods that I can stomach are: Mashed potatoes and gravy, Turkey and Avocado sandwiches, veggies, fruits, and roast. I have to eat every 2 hours, or I get nauseous, if I wait 2 hours and 10 mins to eat, whatever I eat makes me sick. Make sense? So I sit there, sick, but I know I HAVE to eat something, so I have to continue to eat, and continue to have it make me sick. Its been tough. (Disclaimer: Not complaining, just documenting)

Want to know what has been the best part?

This guy.
I couldn't ask for a better husband or father. He has been, and will be amazing. Jason has been a wonderful support through this pregnancy, understanding, and helpful. The other day in primary we were teaching the kids about food that grows, and one of the kids mentioned broccoli, I looked at Jason with a sad face saying that sounds so good, but it was fast Sunday. :( The next day he made broccoli for dinner. The best part about it, is Jason is not an enabler. Before we got pregnant, I told him to be strict with my eating, because I didn't want to gain excess weight, so no junk food, midnight "Cravings" etc, and he has been so good at doing that. I really think women use pregnancy as an excuse to not be healthy, and to explain away gaining weight, and I refuse to submit to that mindset. Jason is wonderful at knowing the difference between what I need, or what I think I want. He brings me all the water, milk, saltines, and string cheese I could ask for. He gives me back scratches every night, is patient when I need him to drive "Soft", knows when food is not agreeing with and tries to find something that will, and helps me make sure my baths are not too hot. :)

My first trimester is almost over, and although I am glad to have experienced it, I will not miss it. Heres hoping the second trimester is a lot better. :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

I may have forgotten

2 posts in one day, wowzers.
But it occurred to me, I don't think I properly introduced the newest member of the Powell family.

Meet Cuddy.

We got Cuddy a while ago, like 3 months ago. So I am pretty bad with the updating. We got herwhen she was like 3 months old, from the humane society.

It was a rough start at first between Cuddy and Reesie, but about a month later, they are best of friends.
Reesie is super protective of Cuddy, and circles us anytime we are clipping Cuddy's nails.
If your were wondering about the name, Cuddy is named after our favorite TV show House, where one of the characters is Dr. Cuddy.

Jason looooves our kittens, as do I, but Jason really loves them and its so cute.
They really are part of the family.

I love my husband

I love my husband.

I love everything about him, even the quirky things.
I have noticed that a lot of couples, especially younger couples like us, spend a lot of time away from their spouse, when they don't have to. The husband hangs out with the guys a lot, and the wife has frequent girls night, or goes shopping with friends etc.
I love my friends, and I love my hobbies, but I love my husband more, and would rather spend a quiet night in with him, or going on a date, than a girls night every week.
Jason and I love our time together, and try every way possible to spend as much time a day as possible together.
Jason and I often joke that we have turned into old folks, since we don't go out every night anymore, or do things we used to do pre-marriage, but the truth is we wouldn't have it any other way. We have fun, every time we are together, from waking up in the morning, to going to bed laughing at night.
I feel sad for couples who spend their time together arguing, or worrying about worldly or trivial things. I wish they could experience the joys of marriage the way it was meant.

We are learning though, to do things as a couple with other couples, and that has been fun. Remember from here where I wanted to plan a dinner party, well that has been planned and put into motion. I am so excited about it and that everyone can come. Be sure to expect it to have its own post. :)