Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finding out the gender!

So Jason and I have an anniversary coming up, and can I just tell you it is going to be perfect.

Because we are going to find out the gender of the baby!!

say it with me...EEKS!

Jason and I are going to San Fran, CA to attend a 49ers game, Jason's "dream."

The day after the game, on our 2 year anniversary, we are going to have a 3D-4D ultrasound session at a place down there, to determine gender!

I can't think of a more perfect time to find out what our baby is, then on our wedding anniversary, where we became an eternal family. And together, alone, away on a blissful, relaxing vacation, where we can truly soak it all in and celebrate what we will know.

I am sure we will do more fun things while we are there, maybe top it off with a temple visit, and jet back.

We are obviously telling our parents first, and we aren't doing it over the phone or internet, so we will have to wait to announce it to the world until we get back. :)

Which may kill me.
The plan to tell our parents: 2 options, tell me which one you like best. 1. go out to dinner, give the waiter a cake before hand, that says its a girl or its a boy, and have him bring out after we eat. 2. plan a dinner at our house, eat dinner, then put a cake on the table where the inside color of the cake is either blue or pink.
Whatdoya think?

But oh my, I can not wait or stand the anticipation of our anniversary.
25 more days. :)
It is going to bring so much excitment!


Angela said...

I think the cake at home with the color on the inside is the best way to go. :)

The Viewer said...

I like the dinner at your house and the blue or pink cake on the inside :) how exciting

bequi said...

I agree with the others about the second option. Most restaurants won't let you bring in outside food because it's a health code violation.