Wednesday, February 23, 2011

35th week of pregnancy

I am in my 35th week of pregnancy. oh my goodness it feels like I have been pregnant FOREVER.

Baby is this big:

uncomfortableness- let me try and explain this to you in the best way possible, cause I never understood it before being pregnant. and example of being uncomfortable is bending forward. When you are sitting up, and you go to bend forward, not only is there a basketball in your way, but the babys extremities move in uncomfortable ways. For me, his legs go into my ribs.

The other day in the middle of a store, my pelvic floor muscles started hurting, like soreness as if I had worked them out hard. It progressively got worse, I had a few errands to still run, and by my last errand I could barely walk. I was limping, huddled over, holding my back. I was having Braxton Hicks contractions like crazy, and it was getting to the point of hurting. I went home, we had dinner, and I stayed in bed for the rest of the night. It felt so much better as long as I wasn't moving so I didn't think it was labor, and the next day after sleeping on a heating pad it felt twice as better. But boy, was it painful. Its been off and on like that ever since.

Movement- Like I explained before, movement now actually feels like a human is in me, instead of a fish. I can actually feel his feet now! At least I am pretty sure it is his feet, and at the top of my stomach, when he stretches I can feel his bum. :)

Nesting- I thought the nesting bug had left me sometime around 22 weeks, but the other day it hit me again, like a ton of bricks. I was just laying in bed, like I do everyday, moving my legs in the slightest while in bed makes my pelvic floor muscles scream in pain, but it was just bothering me that my kitchen wasn't clean. So I thought I would get up and at least do the dishes. Well, if you don't already know this about me, let me tell you, if I am cleaning, I clean, all the way, there is no just do the dishes, just wipe off the counter. So I ended up doing more than I should, but I have a sparkly lemon fresh kitchen! :D

On the painting front- I went to lowes with 2 gallons of our original yellow paint that we still had left, we clearly over bought the first time. I asked them to lighten it to a different shade, and he explained all these different reasons why it may not lighten, he tried, and lightened it by a shade and that was all they could do. So, it is going to be tricky, but I have to get a big bucket, dump both gallons in there, and mix actual white paint into it, instead of white tint. Normally I would never ever attempt this, because if you run out of the paint, it is absolutely impossible to match for more, BUT, the 2 biggest walls are already yellow, so they won't need as many coats, and the 2 blue walls are small. So 2.5 gallons of paint I think will end up being way more than enough. to do that room originally it took 1.5 gallons total.

Can I just say I love blogging? I think there are 2 types of blogging for most people, 1. update blogging- where your blog is just to update people on family, birthdays, etc. 2. social blogging, where you update people on your family, sure, but you use it as a sounding board for your thoughts, ideas, problems, and use it as a social tool with friends you might not otherwise talk to. I obviously consider myself in the second category, and for those of you in the first, thats totally fine, I love those too. I just love that when I have thoughts or questions, I can blog and get honest reliable feedback from people whose opinions I value.

And now that my blog is private, I like knowing I could vent about certain people knowing they can't read it. buwahahaha!

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