Monday, March 21, 2011

Patience is a virtue

"Patience doesn't mean you just wait around. Patience is to keep working while trusting in the Lord's timing."

my little sister is on her mission in Florida and her message to us for this week was about patience. I am SURE she knew I was getting impatient about delivering, so it was directed at me, but it was for sure something that struck me as inspirational right now. I really have just been waiting around, and even more, trying to push the Lord's timing.

I am getting impatient, but I know that everything is done in the Lord's timing. It doesn't matter how much it makes sense to me for the baby to come now, or how everything points to him coming soon, if its not the Lord's will, there is no changing that. Further more, I wouldn't want to change it. I know his timing is the way it is, because that is for the best.

The other part of the thought was to continue working while trusting in the Lord's timing. If I do say so myself, I have done fabulous at getting ready for the baby to come. My house is nearly ready, his nursery is totally ready, and I have been working hard to make sure everything is ready. There is still more I can do, so that is what I will do, while I trust in the timing. No more bouncing on yoga balls, eating spicy food, swinging on swings or labor inducing massages. It really is a waste of time when you realize you aren't in control no matter how much you want to be.

I KNEW when I got pregnant that my biggest obstacle was going to be my patience, because I have NONE. I knew it was something I desperately wanted to learn, especially in becoming a parent, you have to be patient. So while I lost sight of it the last couple weeks, I am going to refocus my energy on enjoying the small moments, and absorbing all I can about what it means to be patient. Again, if I do say so myself, through the majority of the pregnancy I have been pretty good about being patient, and having my cats has definitely taught me some patience.

I am grateful for these moments when I am brought back to spiritual reality about what is truly important. :)

Until next time!

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