Sunday, May 15, 2011

Heaven on earth is in a swing

I started a really bad habit with Henry. Whenever Henry needed a nap, I would hold him til he fell asleep, and then he was just so cute and snuggly I held him the whole time. Thus creating his need to always be held in order to nap.
I am at the point now that I wanna get back into wife mode also, clean and cook dinners, but the only time I can really do all that is when he naps, but since I have to hold him, well you see where this is going.
Well, a few weeks ago we went to our friends house, and Henry sat in their swing for a while, and loved it. He just hung out, didn't fuss, didn't need anything.
We had a baby swing, but it wasn't anything special and Henry didn't like it at all.
So this week I had it up to here with not getting stuff done and with his bad nap habit. I wanted him to get a long good quality nap, and he just wasn't getting that in my arms.
So after a stressed phone call to my sweet hubby, he ordered this for me:

Its the swing.
the lifesaver of my life.
Henry LOVES it.
Jason put it together last night, and this morning around 10, Henry needed a nap. Jason put Henry in the swing, and Henry was out like a light. like magic.
I am sooooo excited for tomorrow, to get him napping well, even if he does need to rely on a swing for a while to nap, I am ok with that.
Its a pretty fancy shmancy swing, does all sorts of stuff that Henry likes, so I highly reccommend it to anyone that will have a baby. Henry lvoes the side to side motion, the softness of the basket, seriously its like a big pillow, the sounds it plays, and the mobile.

Wanna know how much he loves it?

He took his first nap around 10, and around 1, this is what we got from him:

Thats right, my 5 week old baby was smiling all over the place today. Thats what a good nap schedule will do to a baby.
Mommy is smiling just as big. :D

1 comment:

Laci said...

AAAAAAAAAAAA!! That is the cutest smile EVER!!! lOVE IT!!!!!! And YAY for swings!! i seriously let Gwyn nap in her swing or bouncy chair (or the couch) ALL the time. No big deal. I think it will be GREAT to get him sleeping on his own. Anyway, YAY again!!! LOL :)