Sunday, May 1, 2011

Henry's growing up!

First sign of Henry growing up.

Remember him here?

Sweet little Henry, taking a nap, in his adorable mittens. He had long nails, but they weren't hard enough to cut yet without getting skin, so he wore mittens for the first 3 weeks of his life. It was a sure sign that he was a newborn.

Mommy was finally able to file his nails down so he doesn't have to sport the mittens anymore. Anytime I read a blog about someones baby, they are always sad their baby is growing up, I couldn't be more excited. I love that he is growing, and doing new things. Jason and I can not wait for the toddler stage, as hard as we know it will be, we think it is going to be a lot of fun, too.
So farewell mittens! I shall pack you up for the next Powell boy.

This is our cute little stud muffin. Things are going much smoother and better these days, Thank goodness.
He didn't use to like binkies all that much, until we switched to the Nuk kind, and now he loves them. He also does SOOOOO well on the Nuk bottles. Life saver is an understatement.

-Names we call him, Henner, little dude, and the tyke.

-Now that his hands are free he has started to discover them and suck on them

-he loves bath time. You can't really tell since he doesn't smile yet, but his eyes get big and he stops crying if he was.

-he makes the cutest funniest faces.

-he loves his mom the most. ;)

-he will squeeze your finger with his toes, and its so adorable.

-he has blonde hair!! its kind of a dirty blonde, and when his face gets all red his hair gets sooo blonde! no one saw that coming.

-he loves play dates with his best friend Raegan.

-He loves snuggling with dad.

-he loves to be swaddled at night

-he is almost too long for new born jammies

-he loves car rides, falls asleep every single time

-he has the cutest scream lol.

-he loves when you have a conversation with him

well theres a little about Henry. We are doing really well, finally. The first few weeks were a bit rocky to say the least, but things are starting to fall into place and be wonderful. I love being Henry's mom. Life is starting to feel normal, and I am starting to feel like I can do other things during the day now, like errands or having friends over. Well thats it for now!!

1 comment:

Lisa Niederhauser said...

You havea really cute kid. I'm so glad things are getting better, smoother. Miss ya!