Friday, July 1, 2011


sorry for no update, I been in a blogging slump but I will do my best, yet again, to keep you updated.
mostly on this little guy....

Henry is almost rolling! They say babies grow up over night, and its true, literally. Yesterday during tummy time Henry was holding his head up like half way, and wasnt using his arms AT ALL. Today I decided lets do some tummy time and voila!! head all the way up, using his arms and he is trying to ROLL!!! he kept teetering back and forth trying to flip over and he got almost all the way on his side, then he got frustrated and we stopped. I am ok with it because I am hoping he will do it this 3 day weekend when his dad can see. :)
He went through a huge growth spurt this week. Jason and I didn't figure out thats what was going on til about half way through it. He stopped taking his 3 hour morning nap, wanted to eat all the time, and was waking up twice a night instead of his usual once. I THINK, think, the growth spurt is over, its been about 5 days since it started, and he seriously grew over night last night!
Since we brought Henry home from the hospital he had problems with his digestive system, and it was miserable for all. 2 primary childrens hospital visits, 5 different dr's, 1 instacare visit, countless dr's phone calls, and they finally decided he has an immature digestive system. This is good, because he grows out of it around 6 months. Until then we have to have him on a really expensive pre-digested formula, he's been on it for almost a month now and is the happiest baby I have ever seen. the only down sides are, the poop smells absolutely horrid, and, because it is pre-digested, it goes through his system pretty quick so at night he still wakes up around 2 am needing to eat. but its alright, he eats, and goes right back to sleep, and its good snuggle time with my little guy.
I started doing photography. I know, it seems like everyone is a photographer these days, but why not? I have always loved taking pictures, and I finally figured out how to REALLY use my fancy shmancy camera, and editing software, so I am going to give it a shot. Plus I think there needs to be at least one actually affordable photographer who doesn't charge hundreds of dollars to take pictures. Right I am just doing sessions for free, to get practice and show people what I do, so if you or anyone you know want pictures done, I am free! :) my favorite to do so far is children. They are just fun and easy to get sweet pictures of. Its been really fun so we will see where it goes.
my weight loss is going good, I think. I have a rule that I don't weigh myself until I have been on the absolute right track for at least 1 month. Doing a daily, even weekly weigh is just too soon for me, in the beginning. But I have been doing great for 5 days, feel better, maybe even lighter, so in 25 days we will see. :)
well, I think thats it for now! :)

1 comment:

Jes said...

He's such a little cutie!

I would *love* to have some pics of my toddler done! If you need practice I'm your gal.

And if you could give me pointers on how to use my SLR I'd owe you forever.