Sunday, July 17, 2011


In June I posted 3 times.
In July I have posted once.
I totally suck.

Not much has been going on, as usual.
I have been pretty busy doing photography, and am loving it. Its a good getaway from mommy mode and helps me keep me, me.

This is my little cutie all snuggled in a towel with his dad, after a bath:

This is how much he looooves bath time:

I really just can't get enough of my cutie:

Soooo, a lot has happened that I swore wouldn't. We arent doing babywise, because of Henry's immature digestive system I don't think its right for him, right now. We stopped letting him cry it out, and he sleeps in his swing, in our room, at night. Oh, and he goes to sleep usually right after a bottle. Henry has been EXTREMELY needy of me lately, most of the time its cute and I love it, but it makes it hard for me to let someone babysit him.
Henry, hopefully, will start some sort of solid food in a few weeks when he is 4 months, and thats when I plan on trying to correct everything. His formula right now just doesn't keep him full at night so I just want him to be as comfortable as possible until we can feed him things that are more filling.
siiiigh. oh well.
You can try and plan things all you want, but once baby comes, you really need to read your baby and decide whats right for them.

WELL, the little bugger just woke up, gotta go.

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