Friday, January 27, 2012

blah blah blah

This post is a whole bunch of random. 

I have been sick all week with a cold. When I get sick, I am out like trout. I fall hard. I feel like I am dying. 
Its quite pathetic actually. 
So far there are no signs that Henry has gotten it, which would be a total shocker and a welcomed surprise. 
Speaking of Henry, he has discovered that he looooves the show Superwhy!. We watch it about 4 times a day. A part of me feels like a lame mom for letting him watch so much tv, but there is nothing to do in the winter with a baby, and his toys are only fun for so long. I can't wait for summer, to go on walks, play at the park, get a swing set in the backyard. ah. I am beginning to realize how much of a summer girl I really am. 
My small and simple things goal is totally working, and I love it. I have had that mantra in mind all month and it is totally helping to keep my house under control, a little bit at a time. 
The pregnancy is going fine, still having trouble eating and drinking enough. I haven't gained any weight, which is good for me. We should find out the gender at the end of February. 
I can not get enough sleep these days, and I am sure Jason feels like a widower when he comes home. Shortly after Henry goes to bed, which is around 7, I go to bed, too. But I just can't help it! I am still so tired! Henry slept through the night for about two months, but now he is feeding again in the middle of the night. grrrr. Its the weekend so maybe with Jason's help we will work on dropping the feeding. 
I started reading the parenting book Love and Logic, and I looooove it. I love it most because it tells me how to instill my parenting skills with Henry NOW. They say babies are never too young to learn logic, even if they can't communicate. Its a very flexible adaptable style of parenting, while being structured at the same time. It seems like it is very time consuming to act out the plan, but in the long run should save time on tantrums and other issues. We shall see. 
Anyway, Superwhy is over, guess that's my que. 

Do you play wordfued? won't you play with me?

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