Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My goal for this year is a mindset. 
By small and simple things. 
I get so frustrated and depressed if I cant completely deep clean my house as often as I used to. I used to spend around 2-3 hours just cleaning. clearly, I dont have that kind of time, and it upsets me. 
but I had a moment the other day where I really took to heart the phrase by small and simple things. 
Maybe I cant clean the entire kitchen in one shot, but I can at least do the dishes. or throw the garbage away. 
then the next time I have a moment I can do more small things, and hopefully accomplish something large. 
Its worked really well so far. 
and today when I was cleaning I was in the groove, so it made me extra motivated to make it possible for me to clean more, so I cleaned my room, Henry's room and the hallway, and trapped him in between so he could crawl back and forth, and he loved it. I was able to hang clothes up, clean off surfaces, etc. Way more than I would have been able to do. 
So yeah. 
Thats my goal. 
Gotta write goals down, ya know. 

1 comment:

The Viewer said...

i tidy up my house but I don't deep clean it everyday. I wish sometimes I was more obsessive kinda about it so my house would stay clean. You certainly do more than I do! but yes, small and simple things. AND I agree with you, write down your goals.. eek I should write down mine :/