Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well hello bloggity blog blog bloggers. 

Life here has been lovely lately, and like others, this post will probably be pretty random. 

Starting with Henry's sleeping. The kid is nuts. When he gets sick he doesnt sleep well, and after he gets better it takes a long time for his sleeping to follow. So he is waking up twice a night. Ugh. The good news, his napping is AWESOME because of it. I am talking like 5-6 hours a day. I realize that if he takes shorter naps, he might sleep better at night, but boy do I love MY long naps. 

The pregnancy. For the last month or so I have hardly noticed I am even pregnant. I am not gaining much weight(2 lbs total) my clothes(ie yoga pants and t shirts) still fit the same, and the tiredness is gone. 

The baby. His name will be Charlie James. He is already a little stinker, I really wanted to see his profile and see if it looked like Henry's, but he refused to give us a peek. I guess he wants to surprise us. 

His nursery. Thanks to my hubby, it will be started shortly. His room was our office, and in order to move the office, we had to clean the basement room which is our junk room and I was not seeing the motivation to do that. So my hubby on one of his days off cleaned the whole room, and moved the office. So now Charlie's room is ready for paint! I am pretty excited about it, its the first room I will decorate since discovering Pinterest. :D

Henry's development. He is a crawling pro, and knows exactly how to walk, but still prefers to crawl. He hasn't figured out yet that walking is faster. 

Weeeeell thats it folks. sorry so boring. 

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