Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Sometimes through out the day, I need little pick me ups, and the best pick me ups lately for me, have come from lds quotes on Mothers. I often here of church leaders talking about how "important motherhood is" but I always assumed they were just telling us that so we didnt feel ignored. These quotes certainly drive home the point of importance the role of motherhood has. One of my favorites is when one says She is a co-partner with God. That, is amazing. When I was pregnant with Henry I certainly felt like a co partner with God, costantly. Then when he was born I guess I assumed I was all on my own now, but its certainly not the case. So here are some of my favorites for you, in case you need a pick me up. :)

Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels -Conference Report, Oct. 1942, pp. 12–13

There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice is different and unique for each mother and each family. Many are able to be “full-time moms,” at least during the most formative years of their children’s lives, and many others would like to be. Some may have to work part-or full-time; some may work at home; some may divide their lives into periods of home and family and work. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else.

She is a co-partner with God in bringing His spirit children into the world. What a glorious concept! No greater honor could be given. With this honor comes the tremendous responsibility of living and caring for those children so they might learn their duty as citizens and what they must do to return to their Heavenly Father... A mother has far greater influence on her children than anyone else has, and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act, every response, her attitude, even her appearance and manner of dress, affect the lives of her children and the whole family.
--President N. Eldon Tanner

President Gordon B. Hinckley stated that “God planted within women something divine.” That something is the gift and the gifts of motherhood. Elder Matthew Cowley taught that “men have to have something given to them [in mortality] to make them saviors of men, but not mothers, not women. [They] are born with an inherent right, an inherent authority, to be the saviors of human souls … and the regenerating force in the lives of God’s children.” Motherhood is not what was left over after our Father blessed His sons with priesthood ordination. It was the most ennobling endowment He could give His daughters, a sacred trust that gave women an unparalleled role in helping His children keep their second estate. As President J. Reuben Clark Jr. declared, motherhood is “as divinely called, as eternally important in its place as the Priesthood itself.”
--Sister Sheri Dew

One cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God. Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one. 
--Thomas S. Monson

Sisters, find some time for yourself to cultivate your gifts and interests. Pick one or two things that you would like to learn or do that will enrich your life, and make time for them. Water cannot be drawn from an empty well, and if you are not setting aside a little time for what replenishes you, you will have less and less to give to others, even to your children. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the simple life

Spring has sprung, technically, and so had a simpler way of life. 
Its hard to explain the spark of simplicity that has been ignited in me, other than I KNOW I like living simple. I've done it before, recently, and my days are so much more enjoyable and fulfilling when I live simple. 
meaning not living off my DVR, not checking my phone or FB every 5 minutes, not trying to spoil Henry with all the toys in the world so it takes pressure off me to entertain him, not going to the store or running meaningless errands just to get out of the house. 
a day I don't get in my car, check my phone once, never turn on my TV, and play on the ground or outside with my little blessing of a son, is a great, fantastic day. 
I am glad winter has almost vanished, and I can get back to a simpler way of life. It seems like its harder to do that during winter. 
I am excited, and I am excited for what it will do for myself, and my family. 
I became a mom on April 7th,  but I feel like I REALLY became a mom lately, since Henry's personality has come out more and its more evident that he is a person, and a person that is my responsibility in everything.   
Tomorrow, with a fantastic forecast of 58 degrees, is the beginning of it all. 

Oh, and on Monday, Henry and I are going to a mommy and me type class. 
super stoked. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

concrete jungle where dreams are made of...

I've decided to go with Jason to New York. CRAZY!!!
my sister and her little family are going to live in our house for us while we are gone, and Jason's work is going to put us up in an apartment in Battery Park. 
I am soooo nervous I can't even tell you. 
mostly I am nervous about all things having to do with Henry. Getting him to adjust, feel comfortable, sleep well, THE PLANE, etc. 

Now that I have that decision made, I have a whole different one that I wasn't expecting. 
For some stupid reason we started talking about what our (hopefully)3rd boy would be named and in that process we became unsure of the what we want to name this boy. 

The choices are:

Charlie James Powell


Harvey James Powell

sooo there ya go. I can't decide. I am stuck on Charlie cause thats what we've been calling him, but more and more and I starting to love the name Harvey. 

And before you say it, I know Henry and Harvey are somewhat similar, but its not enough that it bothers me. So thats not a factor I care about. :)

Your opinion is appreciated, but I am afraid this may be a case where we go to the hospital with 2 names and have to pick one, which soooo drives me crazy. I wanna know now and I just can't feel it. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

to go or not to go

dialogue with me here. 
I need thoughts, feedback etc.
Jason is switching positions at work which is going to require him to do some training in new york, for 8-12 WEEKS.  
I have the option to go(with Henry of course) but I am still on the fence about it. 

New york would be awesome
no time away from Jason
get to see some of Jason's family
get to see sights, etc. 

a 5 hour flight with a 1 year old, twice.
being pregnant, having to see a different dr while there
possibly go into labor there(We would be done around 38 weeks)
being cooped up in an apartment(provided by his work) with Henry all day
not knowing anyone
getting Henry to adjust to sleeping there
Having to buy certain things just while we are there, high chair, glider, etc. 

So I know there are more cons, but the pros have heavier weight than the cons. But the one that keeps me on the fence is going into labor. I love, adore, and trust my Dr here so much I would be so scared and worried if I had to have the baby there. we would be there from 30-38 weeks so I know the odds aren't high, but they aren't extremely low either. 

So there ya go. I need input, feedback etc to bounce around in my head. ready, go. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

love them

I had another moment, you know, a motherhood is great moment. 
I was feeding Henry his bedtime bottle, and singing the latest chosen song I sing to him, My Own Story from My Turn On Earth. 
He finished his bottle a verse early, but I decided to finish the song anyway, so we just stared at each other while I sang. 
And the last few words to the song are" A wonderful story of sadness and glory was written by Jesus and Me."
And it hit me, Henry is writing his own story with our heavenly father. I have been here thinking this is my journey in motherhood, teaching him the gospel etc, but he is his own spirit, that needs to have his own relationship with Heavenly Father. Its as if I thought Henry knows about Heavenly Father THROUGH my relationship with him, but thats completely wrong. He knows Heavenly Father I am sure better than I do. He's amazing, his spirit is so strong and so present in our home. 
I was born to be his mom, and I feel like he is constantly teaching me how to be Charlie's mom, too. 
ah. I love my kids. 
They are who I am.