Saturday, March 17, 2012

concrete jungle where dreams are made of...

I've decided to go with Jason to New York. CRAZY!!!
my sister and her little family are going to live in our house for us while we are gone, and Jason's work is going to put us up in an apartment in Battery Park. 
I am soooo nervous I can't even tell you. 
mostly I am nervous about all things having to do with Henry. Getting him to adjust, feel comfortable, sleep well, THE PLANE, etc. 

Now that I have that decision made, I have a whole different one that I wasn't expecting. 
For some stupid reason we started talking about what our (hopefully)3rd boy would be named and in that process we became unsure of the what we want to name this boy. 

The choices are:

Charlie James Powell


Harvey James Powell

sooo there ya go. I can't decide. I am stuck on Charlie cause thats what we've been calling him, but more and more and I starting to love the name Harvey. 

And before you say it, I know Henry and Harvey are somewhat similar, but its not enough that it bothers me. So thats not a factor I care about. :)

Your opinion is appreciated, but I am afraid this may be a case where we go to the hospital with 2 names and have to pick one, which soooo drives me crazy. I wanna know now and I just can't feel it. 

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