Friday, May 25, 2012

Charlie's Nursery

Here is a little sneak peak of what I am doing with Charlie's nursery, slowly but surely. 

This is the diaper pad cover that I mad for him, with Jason's pickyness along the way. I tell ya, don't ask your husband to be apart of crafts. 

This is the peg board above the changing table/dresser. I looooove the iron helmet I found, and that football field chalkboard? $1 at Target. :)

This is possibly my favorite part so far, because I thought of it all myself, no Pinterest or anything! :)
I wanted it to look as much like his own locker as possible. I may or may not add our last name on the front of the shelf, but I think it looks like a locker without it. 

The helmet is actually signed by Steve Young, my mom got it a LONG time ago, like 10 years ago, and donated it to the nursery. :D

So there ya go. I still need to sew and hang curtains, purchase and set up the crib, and finish reupholstering a chair. Then it is done. :) 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What it means

Being a mom to a little boy named Henry means, 

always rocking him to sleep for naps
learning to drive and pass snacks to him at the same time
having gates everywhere cause he refuses to go down stairs on his own
recording SuperWhy! everyday and watching it at least 3 times
it means watching Superwhy! while I feed him, cause otherwise eating is boring to HIM
it means sometimes having to take a drive to get him to drink from his sippy cup
making sure you NEVER leave his blankie anywhere, or bedtime will be a disaster 
being inactive at church, because its just not worth it to miss his ONE  nap
sharing your bowl of mac and cheese. :/
it means still using a baby monitor at night cause he still wont consistently sleep through the night
lots and lots of smiles, laughs, and snuggles
it means always getting good pictures because he loves the camera
always having bananas on hand, cause its his favorite
it means getting adore the beautiful endless love he has for his dad
sleeping in each day now because he will sit and watch Superwhy for an hour in my room
hearing his pig like squeel anytime he sees a cat
it means having lots and lots of balls around the house

being a mom to a little boy named Henry means LOTS of things, but above all it means an endless amount of adoring love from him, constant laughter together, many sounds you have no idea what they mean, the sweetest moments in life you will ever have, and the deepest gratitude to your heavenly father for the amazing blessing, and immense trust he has in you for placing a little boy named Henry into your arms. 

thats what it means, to be a mom to a little boy named Henry

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Breastfeeding part, what, 3?

Today while internet window shopping I came across this picture:

Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover: Yoko

Moms, PLEEEEASE tell me thats what breastfeeding is like? pssh. 
Sitting at a nice table, hair done, make up smashing, next to a big beautiful window, with a baby just nicely I am sure gently eating away. 

kinda irked the heck out of me. 
Anyway I am not sure that has much to do with this post, just know that it annoyed me that a company thought this picture would some how convince me to buy their hooter hider. 

But this post is about breastfeeding. 
I have more questions. 
1. for pumping, what is the best most practical way to store milk? I have decided on the Ameda Purely Yours pump, which comes with like 4 containers, but is that enough, or is that even what I want to store it in? do you store it in containers, or baggies for the bottles that use bags?

2. bottles, what is the best breastfeeding bottle? I know each kid is different, and with henry we tried at least 5 different bottles and in the end it was the nipple that he was picky about. So is there a better bottle or nipple to use?

3. nursing covers, must have or can I just throw a maxi skirt over my head?

4. how long is breastfeed good for when frozen?

5. is there a nursing bra that is just so fabulous and fits everyone or is finding a nursing bra going to be as miserable as finding a regular bra while pregnant?

6. what tops are easiest to wear when nursing? 

I am sure I could google these questions and get similar answers, but I like asking you guys more because my friends are most comparable to me in lifestyle and thoughts. 
so indulge me again. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

oh wait, I am pregnant?

Alright I thought I would do an official pregnancy post. I mean, I used to do a weekly one with Henry. I also had the time though. 
This is my 30 week pic. Maternity pants always make my crotch look funny, am I the only one?
Sooooo ok. 
The first trimester was just as miserable as Henry's. Tired all the time, couldnt eat anything, and taking care of a baby, so it was probably worse. 
Around 15 weeks it let up and honestly since then I have barely noticed I am pregnant. 
I still hate it, but its not as hard as Henry's was. Sometimes when I put on clothes I think I should be able to wear, and they dont fit, I have to remind myself, oh yeah, I am pregnant. 
Charlie is not nearly the active little fellow that Henry was, hope thats a sign of things to come lol. I think if my Dr asked to start doing kick counts(which he doesnt do anyway), that I would probably get freaked out because I feel Charlie maybe 10 times a day. I am not worried about it, I also probably just dont notice since I am chasing Henry around all day. 
Charlie's nursery is 0% complete. I am hoping to get it painted this week, and then it will just all come together. I have all the stuff and decor, just need to assemble it all together. 
I am actually really excited for him to arrive. After your first child, you realize the true excitement and uniqueness that every child has, and I am so excited to meet Charlie and his personality. 
I am also excited to get back to the gym. 
I am REALLY excited that this is my second pregnancy, so my Dr will start things earlier. With my first they wouldnt do ANYTHING until my due date, now that its my second, he will strip my membranes at 38 weeks. The membrane stripping was what started Henry's birth I am pretty sure. 
so hopefully I have about 8 weeks left, which is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY to me. As cliche as it is, the second one goes by so fast. 
My only stress about it at this point, lol, is actually when to have the 3rd and last baby. I know it seems silly to worry about it now, but I know I want them all out and done with, but I really want to get back into shape and healthy before I have the 3rd. 
Speaking of which, I have so far gained 15 lbs with this pregnancy, with Henry's I had already gained 45 lbs! yuck. 
so there ya go! 
boring details. 
blah blah blah.