Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Breastfeeding part, what, 3?

Today while internet window shopping I came across this picture:

Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover: Yoko

Moms, PLEEEEASE tell me thats what breastfeeding is like? pssh. 
Sitting at a nice table, hair done, make up smashing, next to a big beautiful window, with a baby just nicely I am sure gently eating away. 

kinda irked the heck out of me. 
Anyway I am not sure that has much to do with this post, just know that it annoyed me that a company thought this picture would some how convince me to buy their hooter hider. 

But this post is about breastfeeding. 
I have more questions. 
1. for pumping, what is the best most practical way to store milk? I have decided on the Ameda Purely Yours pump, which comes with like 4 containers, but is that enough, or is that even what I want to store it in? do you store it in containers, or baggies for the bottles that use bags?

2. bottles, what is the best breastfeeding bottle? I know each kid is different, and with henry we tried at least 5 different bottles and in the end it was the nipple that he was picky about. So is there a better bottle or nipple to use?

3. nursing covers, must have or can I just throw a maxi skirt over my head?

4. how long is breastfeed good for when frozen?

5. is there a nursing bra that is just so fabulous and fits everyone or is finding a nursing bra going to be as miserable as finding a regular bra while pregnant?

6. what tops are easiest to wear when nursing? 

I am sure I could google these questions and get similar answers, but I like asking you guys more because my friends are most comparable to me in lifestyle and thoughts. 
so indulge me again. :)


The Hansen's said...

1. Pump and store tons of milk! At the beginning when I was trying to build my supply and while Sophie was getting the hang of it, I pumped after she would eat. This was while I was on maternity leave and stuck on the couch. May be different next time with a toddler. I pumped and stored it in a bottle u.til I had the amount i wanted to freeze. i would then transfer it to a milk freezer bag, label, and lay flat in the freezer. Lifesaver. I had like 50 bags of 5 oz when i went bacl to work. You may not need to be that extreme.

The Hansen's said...

2. We used nuk bottles and binkies.
3. Loved my cover. Didn't use it unless I had to though. Got mine for free. Just paid shipping. They have those free promo codes. Or you could make one.
4. It depends where you read. It doesn't go bad when frozen, it just loses nutrients slowly. I went by 12 months. Technically most say 6 unless it is in a deep freezer. Sophie was great with it. :)
5. I got all mine from Target.
6. Never used anything special. Read Abby's recent post. I may try it next time.
Good luck! :)

Jenny said...

I think nursing is like the picture....you know every now and then...kinda. Also funny side note, my bedroom curtains are that exact fabric hahaha.

1. I pumped directly into the bottles we were using for TZ, kept it close to the amount that she ate in each sitting and just stored them in the fridge.
If by some chance I had extra or intentionally pumped to freeze I would dump any extra into a lansinoh freezer bag, it would build up 1 oz at a time in the fridge until i had a full feeding then you lay it flat in the freezer. It should be kept in the coldest part of the freezer (never the doors) for 3 months (up to 6 months if you keep it at a low enough temperature)
You can combine milk from different pump sessions but you want them to be the same temperature when you do. (meaning if you have 2oz in the fridge and you want to add another 2 oz before putting it in the freezer you should refridgerate the freshly pumped milk then combine and freeze)

After you heat up the milk for a feeding you can let it sit at room temperature for up to 4 hours because it naturally contains some anti-bacterial properties. Never refreeze or reheat it a second time. If it starts to separate you just swirl it back together, I promise it's still good.

2. It will be the same as with Henry. Use whatever bottles you want and just make sure Charlie likes the nipple because that's the part that really matters to them. Some babies may have a hard time switching from your real nipple to a bottle nipple (at least that's what they say) but there was never any nipple confusion for us.

3. I did have a nursing cover and it's nice to have something that is secured around your neck and still open in front so you and baby can look at each other, TZ always wanted to look at me and didn't like being covered. regardless of being secured though I still had to fight with TZ to keep it over her head, it didn't matter if i used the cover or just a blanket but at least with the cover it was easier for me to win the game. Eventually I just quit using the cover unless absolutely necessary cuz nursing became such a natural thing (honestly after 8 times a day for 3 months you quit caring if someone sees top boob) I would nurse in my car sometimes or at least turn away from where people could see out of courtesy but I wanted to enjoy breastfeeding and not be stressing and trying to keep her covered the whole time.

4. Room temperature - 4 hours (some people say up to 8)
Frigde - 7 days (keep it away form the door so it stays as cold as possible)
Freezer - 3 months (also keep away from the doors)
Separate Deep freezer - 6 months

5. I thought finding a nursing bra was worse than a pregnancy bra. sry.

6. Favorite nursing top

also I wore these camis from target CONSTANTLY http://www.target.com/p/Gilligan-OMalley-Womens-Side-Sling-Nursing-Cami-Assorted-Colors/-/A-12250744

So ya, there's my thoughts.

Whit said...

Sorry if some of this is repeat but i didnt feel like reading through to make sure i dont repeat but this is what worked for me through the 13 months I breastfed

1. The way i stored breastmilk to pump and store the milk in the fridge until you have 5-6 oz then put them in freezer bags flat in the freezer. I was told by the lactation specialist that breast milk is good in the fridge for 8 days and in the freezer 3-6 months for all the nutrients. I would store them in the containers in the fridge and in bags in the freezer because it takes up less space. And then you can thaw the milk and poor it into your bottle on choice. Also you should pump a lot at the beginning while you have a ton of milk. I used to pump right after Maddux was done eating when he fell asleep or just when I was producing too much and had to have some relief.

2. I love the soothe or Avent bottles. I have also heard nothing but good things about Dr. Brown bottles. Make sure if you know you are going to be pumping and using the bottle to introduce the bottle fairly quickly that way they wont have any nipple confusion. Maddux was fine breastfeeding and was fine with a bottle nipple and he only had the bottle every once in a while but I liked to use it sometimes so I knew he would if I was gone or something.

3. I love love love my cover it was so much easier than a blanket. With the cover you just dont have to worry about it falling off or them kicking it away like a blanket. I never used it at home but in public place or when people were over and I didnt want to isolate myself it was a life saver. This is the brand I have http://www.uddercovers.com/ I got it for free look out for emails with promo codes all I had to pay is like $10 shipping. They also have those codes for carseat covers and slings :) I love these because you are totally covered but there is a wire at the top so you can see your baby the whole time. It seems like the babies like that better too.

4. Like I said in number one the lactation specialist that i talked to said that it is good for 8 day in the fridge and 3-6 months with full nutrients in the freezer. I always tried to use mine by 3 months I would just date them and rotate them and I had no issue not using them in that amount of time. Also they say to put them in the main part of the freezer or fridge and not the doors because the temperature changes so much in the door part of the fridge and freezer just FYI.

5. I didn't have a hard time with pregnancy bras or breast feeding bras I bought mine from target. I like the non padded ones better because then it is less bulk to fold over when you are feeding the baby. Plus you will be wearing the nursing pads so you dont have to worry about padding. Just get the under wire ones that are less bulky and just make sure you are comfortable wearing it.

6. I absolutely LOVE this sleeveless cami http://undercovermama.com/
it is a must in my opinion. It just clips to the straps of your bra so when you lift your shirt up to feed you still have the cami covering your tummy area. It is awesome. I have two but I think I am going to order some more.

I hope any of that helped you and make sure to check out those cites especially the under cover mama camis.

Robbie and Darcy said...

1. baggies
2. first ones worked-medela
3. Yes
4. Rule of 5- 5 hours at room temp, 5 days in the fridge, 5 months in the freezer. (deep freezer like a year, I think)
5. Nordstrom's will do alterations and make any bra a nursing bra for like $10.
6. tank top under everything that you can just pull down so you always have your back covered...also vneck work best and just yank down.