Monday, June 18, 2012


Ah!!! I have neglected this blog quite a bit. A friend from high school re-did my photography website for me, and it lit a creative fire under my butt so I have been spending all my extra time doing that. 
So lets see. I am 36 weeks pregnant. 
Jason started his new position at work today, so if you remember, that means we SHOULD be living in New York right now, buuuut we aren't. It was just so messy and complicated with getting him home in time for the birth so his work sent someone from New York out here to train him instead of sending Jason out there. 
So nice. 
So 36 weeks pregnant, my Dr is inducing me at 38! So relieved. My back took a real beating with Henry's pregnancy, and didnt heal enough to go through this one pain free, and its just gotten worse and worse, and they think I may have another bulging disc, so they are taking Charlie early. Its the earliest the policy allows induction, and its the earliest my dr can even do it cause he will be out of town. 
I am ready for him to be here and not be pregnant. I remember what it was like having a newborn, I know how little sleep there is, etc. Trust me, I remember. The pain I am in daily, nightly, 24/7 is SO much worse than any form of newborn sleep deprivation. Basically where my body is currently is that I can not bend or use my ab muscles(which you use every second of the day) without excruciating sharp pain. Funny enough, a couple weeks ago as a last ditched effort to maintain a sanitary house I bought an old persons reacher stick:
It helps SOOOOO much. I can pick up a room without bending and so by the end of the day, I am not paralyzed. Still in pain, but not as much.  My dr is letting my take Loritab, but after 2 doses of it, Jason thinks that it keeps me up at night, so I havent been taking it anymore. 

I want to shot out to ALL the many people who have helped in some way or another during this pregnancy. My mom has been a HUGE help with Henry and even cleaning my house sometimes. My sisters love playing with Henry and when I sneak off to my moms house to take a break, they willingly without being asked will chase Henry around and keep him out of trouble. I have many many friends who have just offered anything I needed, babysitting, food, cleaning, and even though I usually wont take advantage of that, I greatly appreciate their offers. Although I did take advantage of it when Jordan offered to come deep clean my kitchen floor lol. and of course, my husband, for scratching my back every night, bringing me ice water, taking care of Henry the second he gets home, doing what he can with the house when he can, and more importantly, putting up with my overdramatic emotional hormones during this time. He's a trooper and a keeper. 

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