Saturday, June 2, 2012

T minus 5 weeks

I have slightly over 5 weeks until Charlie comes. 
As far as things go for Charlie, things are ready. We aren't gonna buy his crib til probably a month after he is here, and I still have a slimmer of hope that we wont need to buy a new one and Henry will give his up. Charlie's nursery is ready. I reupholstered the car seat for him so its all comfy and new. I even bought a pack of newborn diapers the other day(holy freaking tiny!!).

What I am not prepared for, is for Henry to have Charlie come. One thing I have heard and learned that is consistent among advice for the first born to add a new sibling, is to have all changes done 4 weeks BEFORE the baby comes. Potty training, toddler bed, bottle weaning, etc. 
So 5 weeks before Charlie comes, here is where we are at with Henry:

He is completely weaned from formula
he is still in his crib
he puts himself to sleep at nigh
potty training...bahaha! for reals?
still wakes up at night for a freaking feeding

Now, the concerning one. at 14 months old I still rock him to sleep for his nap. I know I know, I should be done with that, but its such a sweet tender moment that Ive been selfish in holding on to it. about 2 months ago I tried cry it out for his nap and it was awful, he would go to sleep just fine, but would only stay asleep for 45 mins. I did it for a good week and it never got better so I stopped. 
5 weeks before Charlie comes, this is my last chance to wean this. Today I put him down in his crib awake, he was asleep within minutes, and has been asleep for 90 mins! woot woot!! so hopefully it continues to be this good and get better. 

The other concerning one, the night feeding. This is so frustrating. My kid is 14 months old and still wakes up for a feeding. He goes in phases, he will sleep through the night for a month, sometimes two, and then out of no where start waking up hungry again. I have no idea how to completely fix it. We've done cry it out, we've slowly fed him less and less, nothing has worked long term. To be completely honest I have not been so gung ho about getting rid of the feeding because at this moment it is not disrupting my life, I mean, I am usually already up peeing anyway. 

So here is my advice I am asking for:

advice on the night feeding
advice on how to prepare a 14-16 month old for a sibling
and anything else you double mommys can think of that would have helped you in these last 5 weeks, or the weeks after. 

My blog has turned from my journal into my cries for help platform lol. But you guys are oh so good with all your wisdom! I am lucky. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am an old lady and it's been a long time since I had a 16 month old and a new baby. You should remember that Henry is still a baby and he might need the rocking to sleep even more after he feels displaced.
Have you tried giving him a snack at bedtime to help tide him over.
I have to admit my mother says I got her up in the night for feeding when I should have slept through.