Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 weeks down, 934 to go

Meet Charlie. This is the only nice picture I have taken of him so far. I suck. its my goal for tomorrow to take his newborn pics. I must. 
Anyway, I started this post amped with a lot of juice for it, but that has fizzled. So here are the basics. 
Charlie is an AMAZING baby. If you remember, Henry was a nightmare newborn, screamed constantly, slept and napped AWFUL, didnt eat, etc. Charlie is the complete opposite on every level. Hardly cries, eats and sleeps like a CHAMP. Seriously, he is probably only awake for a couple hours a day. 
He was a HUGE baby at birth, 8lbs 10oz.  I mean, it was just ridiculous.  He has gorgeous brown hair that I just adore. He took his circumcision like champ, even though we had to wait until he was two weeks old to do it. 
He is such a patient baby, and I am so blessed for that. If Henry gets hurts or needs me that moment, I can set him down whereever for however long and he is fine. 
He is a total snuggle bug. he rarely makes a peep when he is being held. Its pretty adorable. 

This is Henry and Charlie. 
Henry, hasnt made his mind up yet about Charlie. Sometimes he loves him, gives him kisses and wants to help with him. Other times he is hurling projectiles at him and trying to smack him on the head. I will chalk it up to brotherly love. 
I can tell, that Henry can tell that something is different, and he is trying to work with it. He hasnt really done a bunch of tantrums. He can look at me, see I might be busy, and do something else. It kind of makes me sad, cause I dont want him to think I am too busy for him, so I make extra certain when I see he wants me, that he gets me. 

(Possible TMI ahead)

Then there is me. Sorry, no picture. 
2 weeks postpartum and I think I am almost back to normal. my girlie parts still hurt a little if I do too much, the bleeding has almost completely stopped, but my milk seems to still be there. At least I am not engorged, that crap hurt. 
I havent tried to fit into any clothes other than my maternity stuff, cause I am just too dang scared. 

So there ya go. 
theres our update. 

1 comment:

Jason said...

Ha, you actually think he will be gone at 18? Good luck, although college in Austin would work :)