Thursday, July 5, 2012

Charlie's debut

We arrived for our scheduled induction around 6 am. We got checked in, and I was already dilated to a 4.5, and my contractions were every 3-5 minutes. I had been in early labor since Sunday if you remember. 
So they started me on Pitocin, then, the horror, the epidural. I had an epidural with Henry, so I knew what to expect and how it goes. The anesthesiologist came in, and instantly it was like a dark cloud entered the room. He was not talkative, nice, social etc. He just asked basic medical questions, gave me demands on what to do, it was awful. He had me on my side, and didnt even tell me what he was doing or when he was doing stuff, all of a sudden I just felt pain. He said it was really hard because my spine was so compressed so it took a long time and I just bawled and cried through all of it. It was so traumatic. As soon as it was done I was just so depressed and done with everything, I didnt want visitors, my photographer, nothing. I just wanted to crawl into a hole. I know it seems a bit extreme, but it was just really awful mentally for me. 

But, after I took a small nap I perked up again and once my Dr. came to break my water he cheered me up. Then my mom and sister got there and I felt good again. So That all was at 7 am, my Dr broke my water around 8. Then we just hung out for an hour or two and at 1030, the nurse came to check me and I was a 9.5! She hurried and called my Dr. who came downstairs and we started pushing. 10 minutes later, I had Charlie. :)

Even though I decided I didnt have the energy to do a birth session, I still wanted pictures so I had my little sister take my camera and take pictures. lol poor 17 year old. 

2 pictures were being taken here lol. we clearly werent on the same page about where to look.

He's pretty darn perfect. He was 8 pounds 10 ounces!!! at 2 weeks early!!!!  21 inches long, just like his brother. :) 
We are in our recovery room and so far, almost everything is going fantastic. I am dressed in regular clothes! that was a goal of mine. I can move around just fine. I am however, having the same issues I had with Henry in the urinating category. I think I must be shaped funny anatomy wise and it just blocks off when I am swollen like this. I have 30 minutes more to try and pee on my own or I have to get a cath again. :( 
Also the breast feeding could be going better. He latches good, but then just sits there. lol He sucks a couple times, nothing substantial, and then just falls asleep lol. Soooo I dunno. But thats already 10 times better than Henry did. 
For the most part this little guy is just sleepy. 


The Hafen's said...

I'm sorry the epidural was so crazy painful and scary. I'm glad you and Charlie are okay though! Charlie is so beautifully handsome! Congratz Powell family!

Laci said...

OH!!!! This post made me cry!! I am so happy and excited for you!! Sorry about your epidural. It amazes me when people are in the medical field and have no bedside manner. Whats up with that??? Oh his little face though.. he is sooo sweet!!! And yay on the nursing front!! It might take a bit for your milk to come in.. the little tike is just too tired it sounds like LOL Oh man.. I am so happy for you!! Congrats!!!

Whit said...

good work mama!!!!! and congratulations

The Hansen's said...

Congrats! And I am pretty sure that is normal. He is still super sleepy. Keep it up!!! We would undress and unwrap Sophie to nurse so she would be a bit more alert. Seems mean but it worked! :)

Tiffany Renee said...

I HATED my epidural! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it was better than natural birth, but it wasn't "heaven" for me like some women say. The doctor doing it was fine, and it didn't hurt more than I think it usually does, so I didn't have the same problems as you, but the first thing that happened as soon as I got it was my tongue and throat went numb. It was weird. Then after that wore off I was terribly nauseous. I probably got it at 1 AM and my doctor didn't come break my water until 10, so while some people can actually sleep with the epidural, I spent my whole night moving my bed up and down to keep from puking. Because when I was sitting up I felt less sick, but it would make all the drugs go down to my feet and then they'd feel weird and I'd have to go down again until I got sick. Also I sleep on my side and I'm super fidgety, so being numb is hard for me. Lol. I'm glad tings got better though! You're pictures look great for just handing the camera off to your sis! Congrats!

Jenny said...

Little tid bit, babys really dont need anything to eat for a day or so, thats the way it works in nature. Even with great ltch and lots of suckling they really dont get much so dont even.give it a second thought. My milk didnt come in for 3 days so all Trin got was colostrum that whole time (no supplementing with formula) and shes been perfectly healthy. He'll be tired but he will suckle when he's hungry. You can keep him unwrapped and play with his feet and.cheeks if you want t try and keep him up later. Keep up the good work lady!
Sorry to hear your anesthesiologist was sucky.
Tiffany, if you read this, if you are afraid you'd react poorly to the epi in the future I just want you to know I had a natural birth (with pitocin) and it was a fantastic experience, you just have to prepare for it a bit and let go of your fear. Its really not as bad as people think.