Monday, January 5, 2009


In the short amount of time I feel I have been a grown up I have learned so much the blessings I have in my life. I have so many things to be grateful for I don't know why it takes maturing to understand the wonders of my life. my parents put up with so much as I was growing into myself. although throughout most of my life they never understood me or my actions, they were always there to show their love and support. they were always there to help me, and they still are. I know my parents love each other and that gives me a great sense of future. It gives me something to look forward to in getting older. It gives me a sense of security in knowing they did something right all these years. I was so fortunate as a child to be able to travel the world they way I did. I went to Panama, Germany and many of the US states. my parents always told me I was lucky and that I should remember as much of it as possible but it wasn't until now that I realized how most people don't really leave Utah. perhaps one of the luckiest things in my life are my sisters. growing up I didn't get along with most of them, its impossible for my family to understand where I was coming from when I was young but as I have grown up I have realized its up to me to make relationships work. I cant rely on others adapting to my way of life, its me who must change if I am to be close to my family. I wouldn't trade my sisters for anything. they are the best, and I love them. My friends are such amazing and beautiful people. Bequi has been the most supportive friend I have ever had. growing up in the army it became hard for me to know how to KEEP friends, I always moved away. But having someone like Bequi as a friend has made it really easy to remain good friends. she encompasses everything it means to be a best friend. She is always there for me, even if I did something totally stupid. I love her to death and I know we will be old ladies knitting oven mitts one day laughing over my stupid blonde stories. Ami Curtis is such an amazing beacon of light and spirit. she is an amazingly strong woman. she understands her value as a daughter of god and she helps others realize theirs. her passion to help others makes her such a special friend. one I will love forever. Kourtney will always occupy a place in my heart, for without her, I would be lost. Kourtney and her testimony is what kept me active in the church at such a hard time in my life. It was her caring nature that reached out to me and it was through her that I felt my saviors love so strong. I love her! Shana, oh shana. Such a thoughtful and caring friend, she is the most non-judgmental person I know. all she really wants to do is help you feel the saviors love for you and she will stop at nothing to help you get there. Allison! sweet little allison. she deserves the absolute best and I am so happy to see she has finally found someone who I know treats her like a queen. she is a strong person, and is an amazing friend. Last of all, and most certainly the most important is my Husband. Jason is the only person who has truely understood me. who has seen me for who I am, and loves me unconditionally. Jason is my reason for being. My partner in life, he is there for me through everything I go through. I know we haven't been married for long but I cant help but think life would have been so much easier if I had him from the beginning. don't know how that would be possible but oh well. Jason worries about me, cares for me, laughs with me, cries with me, acts like a dork with me and there isn't a single person who would ever compare to the man that Jason is. Oh how I love him. its amazing to me, I look back to when we first got engaged and I cant even believe how much my love for him has grown. I love him so much deeper then I thought. My love for him consumes every part of my being. I have loved every single minute since being married, even the hard ones. without hardships and trials, you cant understand Joy. eternity with Jason is pure Joy. In my life all I need is love, understanding and acceptance. Jason floods me with everything I need. He is amazing and I love him so so so much.


bequi said...

I totally teared up when I read this. I love you too!!! I'm glad we're gonna hang out tomorrow.

Joami said...

luv you nerd. par-tay tonight!

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

You have grown so much since we were best friends and in a good way. I am so proud that you have met the man of your dreams and married in the temple. I am also glad that you have a good relationship with your family and friends. You are a very special and I have seen it since the first day we became friends and I am glad that you have realized it and your potential. Love you always Angel