Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I got spoiled this year!! I had a very good christmas, busy and hectic but very good. Jason and I woke up around 730, we only took one picture the whole day and it was when we woke up. lol eh oh well.

we had to wake up that early to be able to go to all the places we were expected to attend. we will talk about that later.

so we woke up and headed to the living room! our stockings were waiting for us on the couch, in Jasons stocking was cinnamon almonds, A utah easy day hiking trails book, milky ways, a fossil brand wallet and a sees candy bar. I did the stockings so i didnt put much in mine, sees chocolate candy coins(my favorite) and some snickers. on to the tree!!! so we sorted our presents and started to open them! man did i get spoiled! these are the major things i got this year, from Jason and also our parents!

These are shoes that I picked out from Journeys, I absolutely love them! they are my first pair of nice shoes that are so comfortable!! usually i just get the 20$ pairs of shoes so i can have a lot! but i love these!!

This is my new sewing machine! my mom got this martha stewart singer sewing machine for me. I am excited! we need curtains in our living room and bedroom and now i can have them however i want cause i can make them! so so so excited. she also got me a cute coat i picked out.

my mother in law lanette got me a new pair of scriptures. my old ones werent too badly worn, but i wanted a quad, my favorite part about them, the picture isnt the exact pair, they have a button snap!! YAY!

she also got us a set of 4 dining room chairs. now we just need a table!

This is my new Mp3 player! my old one got stolen and I hate running without music. :-( Jason found the exact brand and model that i love and got it for me! I am so excited about it! I already uploaded all my music to it and i am so ready to get running again!

along with the mp3 player to work out with he also got me a very nice expensive yoga mat, which i needed! do pilates on the carpet just isnt very pleasant. Jason did very good! i got a lot of other stuff too but thats enough for now. :-)

OH! and Jason and I got ourselves this 42" LCD TV!! we are happy to be watching sports in HD finally. lol. before we had this little 20" TV i got when i was 16. oh it was good times.

alright so after we had opened all of us presents our tree was looking very empty without any presents. :-( this made me very sad. not that i am selfish and wanted more, but because it meant christmas was here which means it was going to be over. so Jason got under the tree and pretended to be another present!! lol he is just the cutest thing I have ever seen. He is so sweet.
so we got done with our own little christmas and we headed to my moms house in Layton. Jason got a new putter from my mom, i got my sewing machine and coat. we enjoyed our time there and had a lot of fun just hanging out together. we left there about 11ish to go to Jasons parents house. we got there and they were putting papa murphys pizzas into the oven. yum! we ate lunch, then opened gifts. we left there around 3 to go to my grandmas house all the way in ogden. we got there AFTER everyone had opened gifts and was basically leaving. I decided that from now on we arent going to either grandmas house on christmas. its too much driving and our schedule doesnt work with anyone elses anyway so from now on we will see the grandmas on christmas eve and we will just go to the parents houses on christmas. at the end of the day our first christmas married was perfect! Jason and I are really loving being married and I couldnt imagine life without him. I dont know how I did it before. I love him so stinking much and i am so proud of all that he has done. MMUUWAAHH!!


Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

Well, Looks like you had a really great Christmas! I am so happy that you got all your wanted and more. That was a lot of house's that you went to but I am glad that it all worked out for ya and it was a good learning expereince. That is what we had to learn also! Anway... I liked reading about your experience and I hope that you will remember it for the rest of your life. Oh and I loved the morning of picture! ;)

Angela said...

I'm glad you and Jason had such a great Christmas!! Certainly a lot of travel, but sometimes, I think just the adventure and rush makes some things just that much more fun. :-)

bequi said...

You sent me a picture text that I think should be blogged.