I havent done any thank you cards from my reception. :-( I have a lot to do, grr. its been a month and a half, whats the exceptable amount of time to wait before mailing them out? I heard once it was a year but that came from my husband so it probably has no merrit.

My brother-in-law gets married in 10 days! he got engaged 2 days after Jason and I got married. lol. her endowments are this saturday in the bountiful temple so that should be exciting. Its also our other brothers birthday that day too so we will see how it all works out. its funny, I came from a family of 4 girls and Jason came from a family of 4 boys so when we go to each families house its like polar opposites. I love it. let me tell you about each family. my side first. My oldest sister is Corinne. she lives with my parents and is 22. my little sister Hollie is 18 almost 19 and lives in provo going to school. my other little sister Savannah is 14 and of course lives with my parents. his side. His oldest brother Brenden is 32 and lives in west valley with his wife Teresa and 3 kids Logan 8, Kylee 5, and Jayden 2. we see them EVERY sunday we go to his parents house. the 2nd oldest is Curtis and he is 28 I think. he lives in logan with his wife Monica. they are currently in the adoption process and i am excited for them! then Justin is 26 and getting married to Britnie who is also 26. they were high school sweethearts. then Jason and I! I will post pictures of them later so you can put names to the faces in case I ever write about them again. :-)
you're a birth control woosie!
so about the birth control i got in a fight with my friend the other day cus he went off on how he wants to do the ol stick it up there thingy so it "doesn't make her PMSie" which i am completely against because my aunt miss carried on one but anyways let me know what kind you settle on because the docs are going to put me on one pretty soon. and i want your "experienced advice" <3
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