Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2nd blog

I have a wonderful husband!! truely the best. Last night when we got home I wasn't feeling very well(girl time) so Jason decided to make me a surpirse dinner! he went to the store and when he came back I had to go into the bedroom so I wouldnt see or smell what he was doing. It was a delicious grilled chicken dinner that he marinated in coke! it was so moist and delicious! Then we spend the night watching my shows from sunday that we TIVOed and finishing the prisonbreak season 1 till it was time to go to bed. I am so lucky that Jason and I work the exact same schedule. We wake up together and get home together. Its wonderful, the max that we spend away from each other each week is the 40 hours we are at work. I love it!

For my birthday this year Jason bought me a set of pink golf clubs! yay! I think I only went golfing like 6 times but I am so excited to use them this summer again. golfing is very frustrating for me but when you hit a good shot, it feels so good. you no longer feel like a golf retard. Its really a simple concept, get the little ball, in the little hole. how hard is that? hard. nevertheless I am still excited.

My dad comes home from Iraq in 66 days!! my Family has been really lucky this deployment to be able to see him as much as we did. Normally families only get to see them when they come hme for their 2 week leave but my mom has gotten to see him 4 times. My dad is a high Ranking officer so after the 2 month training thing in missouri he was allowed to come home for the weekend unlike all the other soliders, and then he had a flight simulator training in germany a couple months ago and my mom was allowed to fly out there and visit him for a week in germany, and then he got to come home for my wedding of course and then there is another germany training thing. So lucky for my mom. He has his own trailer out there in the desert with his own internet and telephone line so they talk all the time. those are the perks he gets for being in the army 23 years!

I am excited to read everyones blogs and see what everyone is up to and who is married and who is married with kids!! Its a little crazy to see people I went to high school with having babies. It makes me feel really old. I will say this, I am glad I waited till I waas 21 to get married. I love my Husband very much and wouldnt trade him for anything, But I am glad that I got to live the single life for a couple years, and man did i LIVE it. I had so much fun going out with the girls, dancing, dennys, dates every weekend, singles wards!!! OH HOW I MISS THOSE!! oh my gosh I miss the peace and quiet of a singles ward. we have gone to our family ward like 3 times and its so so so loud it drives me up the wall! I miss being able to hear my own thoughts during the sacrament or hearing peoples comments in relief society. The only good thing I like about it is there are a lot of younger couples in our ward. we havent branched out yet and talked to them, but they are there if we want to. lol. For now we have enough young couple to do things with lol.

Does anyone even read this blog? I feel like I am writing this to myself and no one reads it. how do i tell people I have it so they will read it and talk to me? :-(


Lindsay Thacker said...

Your blog is so cute!! I will read it now. Your hubby is definatley very sweet to do that for you. Im making myblog private so go leave me a comment with your email and ill send you an invite.

Laci said...

Yes, people read your blog... but i totally know how it feels sometimes! :o) I'm happy for you that you are happy and loving married life... it truly is the greatest being married to your best friend!

Heather said...

Yay! Your blog is sooo cute. Glad to see you're loving married life. It is the best!

Anonymous said...

It's true. Anthony and I are plenty of married couple for anyone to deal with ;-)