Monday, December 21, 2009

love it love it.

Update on our lives.

We still live in Sugarhouse, and we love it.
I mean we absolutely love it.

I feel safe here. Its cute, its sweet, the ward is awesome, the neighbors are so so so wonderful.
I seriously could not think of a better place to live right now.
The only reason I want to move, is because next year we will need more space if we wanna have a baby.

but we love Sugarhouse. Can't say that enough.

Jason still works at Goldman Sach's in the equity derivatives department.

got that?
He loves it, its stressful busy at times, but it really seems to be rewarding for him at the end of the day.

I recently signed a contract with the State of Utah for my position as Legal Secretary.
and guess what?
I love it.
I originally thought I wanted to get out of the whole legal field thing, which in the end result I do, I want to be a Personal Trainer, but oh my goodness I love my job. It is seriously so much fun every single day. All of it just works for me, the work, the people, the schedule, just everything. oh my goodness, I just love it. I don't really ever dread work anymore.
I plan on being there a long, happy time.

its been 3 months, too. So I can honestly say I love it. ;-)

I am done reading my Personal Trainer text book.
do I feel as though I am a pro exercise guru?
eff no.
so back to the book I go.
I really want to make sure when I take the test, I will pass the text. so I plan on taking as long as I need to be able to do that. I really don't think it should take longer than the end of the year.
but I love that too. I have learned a lot, and when people ask me questions, it surprises me how easily I can tell them a detailed answer and know for sure I am right.
Its kinda weird.

Hmm... what else?

Our callings are great.
I was released as second counselor in the YW's presidency and called to be the 1st counselor in the YW's presidency. lol.
Jason is the service coordinator, not sure how he likes it, but thats where the lord wants him!

One of my favorite parts of our life right now is that we leave for work at the same time, so my husband walks me to my car and kisses me good-bye, then we talk on the phone on the way to work.
I love it. lol.

Want to know what else I have kinda come to love?

eesh ready for it, its really hard for me to even type this.



Enough said, we don't need to go any further.
well maybe, I read this book, it has a way cliche title,"15 secrets to a happy home" but weirdly enough its not about that at all. Its about self improvement, self change, and managing things in your life, with your choices.
I quite enjoyed it and am reading it a second time.
I have loved putting everything I learned there to practice.
I really have seen a huge change in my over all attitude and happiness as I realize that I am the creator of my attitude.

I highly suggest that book, and I am getting another one for Christmas called."Change it Up!" so I will let you know how that one goes as well.

Speaking of Christmas, waaaay oober excited.


I can promise there will be pictures to boot after Christmas since on Christmas Eve I am getting my Nikon DSLR!! Ah, I can't breathe, be still my heart.

Happy Holidays Bloggers!!!

Oh P.S.
I am going to try to accomplish 1 thing of my list each week and this week I think I am going for talking in a british accent for a whole day. I am going for Dec 26th.

so if I call you that day, and sound silly, just know, thats my pathetic attempt at a British accent.


bequi said...

I'm finally catching up! I read a book called, "How to Change Anybody" or something. It's the same thing, that you can't change other people, you can only change how you respond to them, and therefor how you react to them. If you want any book suggestions, let me know. ;)

Heather said...

Sounds like life is good! That's so great. I agree that it is a must to live in a neighborhood where you feel safe. I love that about our place too.

Love your posts!

Kourtney said...

I'm glad you're so happy!!