Friday, January 1, 2010

HAppy new year

Hello 2010.

This new years post is also my 100th post!!
well now thats something.

We had lots of fun last night with family and friends. I have not stayed up until 2 am since before I was married.
I am such an old fart.

I have an additional goal to accomplish for the year 2010.

I got my fancy shmancy camera for Christmas and have been taking a lot of pictures. I also got a digital scrapbooking software for Christmas.

I researched for weeks about which software to get so I didn't get some lame one that sucked lol.

and my goal is to scrapbook my pictures after every event, and then at the end of the year print out the pages and have a scrapbook of that year.

We will see how it goes, so far so good.

my nick nack task is getting better, its sort of on hold for now due to lack of craft funds which is due to my overspending on crafts unknowingly. OOPS!!!

Happy New Year friends!!

and happy 100th post my little blog!


Caitlin said...

hey kati-

what digital scrapbooking software did you get? and do you know how much it was?! ever since you mentioned it i decided i really want the software too, otherwise nothing will ever be put into a scrapbook! haha. So I got thinking that I could hint at that as a wedding gift from one of our parents LOL!

Caitlin said...

oh p.s. you would be my favorite if you could tell me where you bought the software! :) and your traditions post is so cute! I have been thinking about traditions too and fun things i want to start next year for james and i to do once we are married and that we can carry on for when we have kids! and i love the sub for santa idea i did that in 08 i think... it was the best! James helped too and we had so much fun picking out clothes, toys, and a comforter for a little boy. I was in the christmas mood so much more that year! the book idea is adorable especially for when you have kids! :)