Saturday, February 6, 2010

1 year later.


1 year ago, my family prepared anxiously for the arrival of my dad, who was coming home from a year long tour in Iraq.

We had all prayed for a year, that he would be safe, kept from harm and would come home soon.

I thought, as long as my dad comes home safe, everything and everyone will be alright.

one year ago I experienced what I would call the worst day of my life, because I never thought something like this could happen.

I received a call at work, from a very scared older sister, telling me that my sweet little sister was in a car accident and didn't know if she was ok.

My entire world stopped that very moment.
nothing was important.
The meeting I had that day with a partner from Dorsey and Whitney was no longer optional.
The dinner plans I had were canceled.
Even the mere task of eating was no longer considered.

I rushed to the hospital in Provo as fast as my crappy car would take me, and then some.
Its amazing I myself did not get in an accident since I was crying hysterically the whole time.

I drove for 25 mins before I was able to find out at least, that Hollie was alive.
for 25 minutes I thought my little sister, who I took for granted, was gone.

It was still, by far, the worst day of my life.
and I have had some bad days.

Only hours before my only concern had been making sure my dad came home safe. The red cross flew my dad home right as Hollie was getting out of her first surgery.

Hollie broke her arm in 2 places, her leg in 2 places, shattered her foot, and ankle, they removed a rib and she had broken her back.

for days, the only part of Hollie we could touch without hurting her, was her right hand.

My little sister, layed in a truck, broken, and the only thing she could say to the first person who arrived on scene was,"Are you a worthy priesthood holder? Because I need a blessing."

She was given a blessing on the spot from someone who still remains a stranger, and I believe it saved her life.

2 months in the hospital.
9 surgeries.
150+ hours of driving to Provo.
hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical care.
3 different hospital rooms.
dozens and dozens of daily prayers.
many milestones of progress.
lots of grape Popsicles.
1 mean nurse (That I yelled at)
5 weeks of physical therapy.
2 types of back braces.
8 medications.
2 powerful and emotional sacrament talks.

1 amazingly strong woman.

Hollie has become the glue that holds our family together.

I love this woman with every fiber of my being and am so proud and amazed at who she is today.

She has no restrictions or limitations.
She has overcome it all.
She does not let anything get in her way, or get her down.

Hollie Kristine Odekirk is nothing short of my Hero.


bequi said...

You forgot to say how funny she is!

I'm so glad she made it through. I'm glad for your whole family that you didn't have to deal with the loss of a sister. I sure love you!

Lue said...

wow!!! i had no idea! I am totally crying wow wonderful she is ok!

Ben & Kelsey said...

Oh my gosh that is so crazy its good to hear that she is doing good now. I couldnt imagine what your family went through.