Monday, February 1, 2010

wanna know some more about me?

Today, I was texting my friend and had to go downstairs. I almost typed "brb" until I remembered that I could bring my phone with me.

Sometimes I look at people throughout the day and think," are you serious?"

Then there are times when people think they are funny, they I have to chuckle otherwise they will feel bad.

I doodle when I am on the phone with Claimants at work.

I realized that the word bed, looks likes a bed.

I found out that lion in Swahili, is simba. Very sneaky Disney, very sneaky.

I hate boots with the fur, and I hate jeans tucked into boots. I am sorry.

I have a funny face when I take pictures. Ask Gabby.

up until 2 years ago, when I would write words I would write the second letter first, and then the first.

I am puzzled by my own emotions.

I can not sit still while on the phone, hence the doodles.

I NEVER match my socks. So if you see me, and they match, it was not on purpose.

I have always kept my eyes open while kissing, which I thought was normal...

When I wash my hands at work, I have to immediately put lotion on.

I listen to upbeat dance music in the morning to get me pumped up for the day.

I got caught dancing at work the other day, that was embarrassing.

I rarely get embarrassed.

I can get out of just about anything by batting my eyes.

I am still super scared to take my test.

I love taking pictures now, but I want to take pictures of kids and I don't have those in stock.

I realized that Mario is definitely homeless. He wakes up every day wearing the same clothes, runs around in sewers, beats up people for their money, and what does he spend it on? Mushrooms.

Today. I. Realized. That. Typing. Like. This. Does. Not. Make. Your. Point. Stronger. It. Makes. You. Look. Like. Your. Computer. Has. Asthma.

The other day I was driving on the freeway and the car that was merging in front of me did a full on over the shoulder head check in his blind spot. I was shocked.

I had Baskin Robbins for lunch. No regrets.

I lost another 2 lbs. Didn't mean to do that.

I have no idea what the difference between an ipod and an iphone is.


Hailey said...

You make me giggle and I love that!

It's said...

HA! tron also hates jeans tucked into boots. And I've always kept one eye open during kissing, but only one.