Saturday, March 27, 2010

long update.

Hello again to all my friends.

There is not a whole lot going on with us, yet anyway.

So here we go!

This is the view from our kitchen, dining room, family room and bedroom. :)

The picture obviously doesn't do it justice. You can see the temple so well and I love it. I love being able to eat dinner and look out to see the temple, so clear and so well.
I didn't really appreciate that about our house when we were buying it, but now I cherish it.
It helps to keep my daily life in perspective.

This, is our new table.

Now, we were not going to buy a new table for a while, but thanks to our kitten, we had to.
You see those cute flowers on the table?
Well, in the vase is fake water, you've see fake water, well I did it to those flowers.
well in the middle of the night, before the fake water was dry, Reesie knocked over the vase spilling the fake water on the table. And the fake water, DOES NOT COME OFF ANYTHING!
So fair warning, just don't do fake water.
but anyway, I got a nice new table out of it. :)
We are either going to stain the table to match the chairs, or stain the chairs to match the table.
haven't decided yet.

We love Reesie. :) She is so cute and cuddly. She is just so much fun to play with. We chunked her up real fast lol.
I don't understand why people want dogs.
Reesie is so much fun, doesn't poo and pee on things, doesn't need to be watched every second, isn't this big huge thing running around the house, cuddles at our feet at night and purrs.
eff dogs.

There isn't much new about the house since the last update on it. Not that is terribly exciting or anything.
We love our ward so far.
Its pretty much all young couples with a few kids. The ward has 4 nurseries on sunday! FOUR!
The relief society women are so sweet. I still miss young womens, soooo much, but at least in this ward its not all 80 year women talking about genealogy. I secretly hope they call me to be in Young Women's again. I do feel out of place because their(relief society) topic of conversation is their kids, so I guess I need to get on that. ;-)

oh wait!
I am starting a garden.
I am nervous about this task, cause either I don't do a garden, or I do it awesomely.
no half-A garden here.
So, we bought 2 grow boxes to keep the garden elevated and so it has proper drainage, and I just need to figure out where the best place for them is.
I am going to grow tomatoes, basel, squash, cucumbers, raspberries and maybe corn. pumpkins would be fun.

I really love my front room.
Decor aside, its the room I love being in the most.
Its quiet.
there is no TV in there. I don't know what it is, but I feel like if there is a TV in a room, it has to be on.
The couches are soooo comfy.
get this, I actually read in there!
Granted I was reading the Ensign but thats pretty good.
I just love being in there where its quiet, calm, I can look out our big front window and watch the neighborhood kids run around.
Its nice.

Thats one thing I love about being in a house, WINDOWS!!
In our apartment we had 1 window in the bedroom and the sliding door in the living room. lol.
It seems like a cave to me now!
I love having windows everywhere! and whats best is that there is no one behind us so I don't have to worry about shutting the blinds on the back side of the house.

I colored my hair a few weeks ago. I wanted to go really dark, but just for a bit. So Miss Kourtney came over and we colored my hair with a temporary brown color. It was fun, its pretty much all faded now, I think at least. Which is good because as fun as it is to change your hair color, it just didn't feel like me. I also cut 2 inches from the bottom and thats taking some getting used to.

The more I get done on the house, the more I want to get moving on the baby front, so its getting closer. lol :) I just don't want to have a baby and then not ever feel like I "finished" my house. I know its a lame excuse for not starting a family, but to me its a good one. Everyone keeps saying, do everything and get everything you want, because once you have kids you can't do those things anymore, and all the money goes to them. I think its a good point, I mean its not like I am going to wait 10 years because I want to go on vacations and buy purses, but I think finishing the house is a good goal.
Actually, Jason and I know exactly what our baby plan is, I am just not going to tell. :P

my dad is home!
He has been gone for over a month training with the FAA for his new position.
he golfed EVERY SINGLE day. Except for Sunday of course.
His apartment had a free golf course.
lets just say I am sure it wasn't torture for him to go there lol.

Well I think thats it! I am going to go cuddle and watch a movie with the hubby. :)


The Hicks Family said...

hey with the garden.. the best side of your yard is to do it on the south side if you can.. It gets the most sun! :) that way everything can grow! :)

It's said...

That's a way fun view! P.S. if you do want to do corn you need to start now. Corn needs to be done early...I'm pretty sure. Have babies when you want who cares what people say. ha ha