Monday, March 8, 2010

oh silly little boy.

Tonight I was waiting for the wash to get done so I can put the clothes in the dryer and I started Facebook stalking.

Don't judge, we all do it.

Anyway, I looked up one of my ex's.
one of THE ex's if you will.

This guy, we will call him guy, I thought once upon a time was just the greatest thing ever.
oh I was so swoon by him.
Have no idea why.
can't recall.
Anyway, when I was dating guy I was heavier, and not as confident as the bratty sassy lady I am now.
Guy once told a friend of mine, that even if I lost a lot of weight, I would never be "hot", I would only be able to achieve being "cute".
What a jerk right?
Well, let me just say, from my Facebook stalking, I learned, I ain't missin much. :)
I feel like thats karma.
what kind of a person thinks they have they right and the audacity to say something like that about not only another person, but their GIRLFRIEND!

I felt a slight bit of, I don't know, justice? when I saw him, and what he is up to.
Guy was kind of a jerk the whole time we dated, and really needed to be put in his place I think.

Glad he found his place. :)

I love my man. :)
He is a keeper.
A hot keeper.
He puts Guy to serious shame.
oh how I love my little life.

Our new couches come in 1.5 weeks. :) eeks. I can hardly stand it.
having the second living room empty has really been bugging me.
I realize I haven't posted pictures of the downstairs living room, or any of the rooms, its because they aren't done, and I can't think of how to finish them yet.

One day soon it will come to me, probably while I am at work like normal.


It's said...

I just love the feeling of sweet justice

bequi said...

Ith it the guy I'm thinking of?

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

I was wondering if you dated this guy when we were together all the time and he had a friend that was a jerk too? LOL! If so I hate him too and I am sorry he said that. You are a hot babe don't let anyone tell you different. I see you changed your page up you making this a Kati page now?

Kati said...

BeQui it ith the guy you are thinking of, Mr thcott. :D

Angel it would be that guy too lol. They were both jerks, probably still are only now they are fatter lol.