Sunday, March 28, 2010

What a blessing.

What a great day!!!!


Because our basement completely flooded!!!

No, I am not being sarcastic.

We had Jason's family over for dinner, and after it was done and I was doing the dishes, his mom went to our basement and found that it had flooded!!

Why am I so excited?
Why wouldn't I be?

In relief society they mentioned facing trials head on and looking at obstacles with gratitude for the chance you have to grow stronger.

Here we go. :)
Time for a spiritual work-out.

I even made my hubby take a picture with me so we could officially document this exciting occasion.

after all, it is our first flooded basement, in our first house, during our first family dinner.
This is a day, we will look back on and laugh at, or one we can pin point great strength from.

Stay tuned for further excitement. :)


It's said...

Congrats? I think it's a great way to look at it though. I've never been that bothered by floods.

Beki Jo said...

Awesome Possum! So, what pattern did you use for your pillows? I found one online that I like on but I'm not sure if that's the best one. I don't want any frills or edge decoration. Do you have a pattern I can use or where to find a good one?

P.S. We need to come see your house silly.