Thursday, September 9, 2010

Car accident

Today was a bad day.
I was stopped at a stop light, and the person behind me hit me, going 35-40 miles an hour.
It hurt, like H*ll.
My head just whipped forward into the steering wheel and I blacked out for a couple seconds, when I came to I was bawling, my neck hurt really bad, and I started cramping.
I called 911, told them I was in an accident and that I was pregnant. Apparently that gets attention because within 5 minutes there was 2 cops, a fire truck and an ambulance. (not sure what the fire truck was for.)
After I called 911 I called Jason, crying, told him I was in an accident, and he said he would be right there.
Well they decided to rush me to the hospital, so the EMT called Jason and told him to meet us there.
I was there for 4 hours, and man did I get hungry!
They did an XRay on my neck(baby was protected), an ultra sound for the baby, baby is fine, but they did see some bleeding in my uterus, so they did a pelvic exam and everything was normal. Sigh.
The ultra sound did show that the baby was measuring bigger than 10 weeks, 10 weeks and 4 days. :D So they moved the due date to April 4th. :D
My car we think is totaled, we won't know for sure until the estimate, but until then enterprise is sending a rental.
My neck hurts, my head hurts, my lower back where my bulging disc is kind of hurts, but other than that, I am fine.
I will post the ultra sound pic when I feel better.


Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

That is awful Kati. I am glad to hear that the baby is ok though. Someone was watching over you and the baby for sure. :)

Whit said...

I am so sorry Kati that is so scary and sad. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that happened to you! That sounds terrifying! I'm so glad you and your wee one are okay! I can't believe how reckless some people are while driving.
Hope your soreness dissipates quickly!

Laci said...

Oh my goodness... that must have been so scary to have blacked out and everything!! I'm so happy the baby's ok!! Keep us posted on how you are feeling and any new developments! ~ yay for being farther along though.. a blessing in disguise? ;)

bequi said...

Didn't you say the guy was texting when he hit you? I'm super glad my phone has a keyboard instead of texting by numbers, because now I'm never even TEMPTED to text while driving. It's too freaking scary!!

I'm glad you and baby Powell are not dead!