Tuesday, September 21, 2010

pregnancy Q&A's

So people keep asking me the same questions, which I don't mind the questions, its just when its the same ones over and over it feels like it makes the time go by more slowly.
so I will answer all questions, right now. :)
1. When are you due? April 6th. I keep switching Doctors, and they keep switching the date, so for right now, its April 6. which really, isn't that just a great historical date? ;)
2. When do you find out what you are having? Well normally Dr's won't even try until 18-22 weeks. Fortunately I have an awesome Dr who will try every time to find out, so he said as early as 15 weeks. cross your fingers!
3. what are you hoping for? A healthy baby! after that, I am hoping for a girl, and Jason is hoping for a boy, BUT we both feel like its a girl. We have felt since before we got pregnant that our first baby would be a girl, so we will see if we were right. If it is a boy, we will be delighted, because I am falling more and more in love with the nursery decor if its a boy. :) watch, now I have jinxed it. ;)
4. Where will you deliver? Cottonwood Hospital. when I was in a car accident, they took me to the bountiful Lakeview hospital, where we originally wanted to go. However, after being there we decided it was not nice enough and we didn't like it. So, our next choices were the new Murray hospital, or Mckay Dee in Ogden. Jason doesn't think he will want to drive to Ogden when I go into labor, so I let him decide on Murray. My Dr delivers exclusively at Murray, so it works out, and he said they are very friendly to all forms of birth. I want a natural, unmedicated birth, so I was pleased to hear they do those all the time.
5. how are you feeling? Awful. No, really. that is my answer when people ask, and they always think I am kidding. I am not. I feel sick all the time, I feel full all the time, I have to pee twice a night which I then can't get back to sleep after, its depressing to get fat, even if it is to have a baby, and I have the energy level of an 80 year old. Actually the energy level has gotten a lot better, but the rest is still true. :) BUT, as uncomfortable as pregnancy is, it is still pretty amazing to know what is going on inside with my little one. That Heavenly Father is working inside me to perfect this precious little person that one day will do amazing things. So its all worth it, and I already know that. :)
6. What are your cravings? I don't have cravings, and I don't really think they exist. I think women are naturally more hungry when they are pregnant, and when you are hungry your mind goes wild with the possibilities, pinpoints one that sounds good and then your mind gets stuck on it. which is fine, I have those. I just don't think its my body telling me I need it. With that being said, my must-have's have been: soft tacos, mashed potatoes and gravy, rich chocolate and milk, chicken in a biscut crackers, grapes, pizza place breadsticks(mmmm) and ginger ale. :)
7. Were you guys trying to get pregnant? Yes! Jason and I wanted to wait to get pregnant until we were in a house, and a financial place where we could live comfortably without me working, and I wanted to get my Personal Trainer certification first. So, as soon as all that happened it was in the "trying phase" for us! If you know me, you know I am impatient, so 4 months of trying and I was dying of anticipation. 2 months later we were pregnant and very excited.
8. do you have names picked out? Pretty much. If it is a girl, it is for sure going to be Piper Ann. If it is a boy, it most likely will be Dallas David, unless we can find something we both like more.
Any other questions?
Now, things that I think about, or realize.
*when putting the silverware away I realize Jason and I keep all of our knives where the spoons and forks are, even the sharp ones. I realize I need to find a new place for them.
*cleaning my front room I realize the decor I have on the coffee table, will need to be moved to higher pastures.
* when we jet out for a quick soda or treat, it will take us a lot longer than 2 minutes to get in the car.
*when I am at the grocery store, I think about how I will have a baby carseat in the front, and that I can't take my eyes off of it.
*Getting ready for the holidays I get excited to know that next year, Baby Powell will have their own stocking that we will hang next to ours.
* thinking about getting the christmas tree out, I need to get unbreakable ornaments, and hang things higher.
* I am already thinking about who I trust to babysit, and how soon I will feel comfortable leaving the baby alone with someone.
*with Halloween coming up I get SSOOOOO excited to be able to dress up my baby, and go for halloween walks, and trick or treating in the neighborhood.
* I think about how in church, I won't be able to always listen to the speakers, or lessons. that I will have someone else to care for.
* I am constantly reading and learning ways to raise children. with discipline, learning, training etc. I have seen a lot of ways I absolutely do not want to do things, and I am constantly aware of making sure I don't form habits that will lead to that. right now I practice on my cats. :D
*I have to admit, I am scared. I have obviously never been through this, and I am scared I won't be good enough. I am scared I will make too many mistakes. I am scared it won't come natural to me.
so pretty much everyday I am constantly thinking of all the ways our life is going to change, and be different. And I loooove it. I think Jason and I are at the perfect point to start a family, and I am sooo glad we waited. I know a lot of people have kids right away, and thats fine for them. But I love that Jason and I will have had 2.5 to ourselves, to learn about each other, to be together, to go on vacations, lots of dates, random activities etc.

1 comment:

bequi said...

People will keep asking you. And as you get closer to the end, they'll start asking, "how many weeks do you have left?" And "that baby's not out YET?! Hahaha!" People think they're so funny. Especially bishops.

When you're pushing your baby in the cart, TRY to look at other things. I was shopping the other day and this lady was pushing her baby in the cart. She had the hood of the carseat up, so there was no WAY she could see in front (she was shorter than the hood) and I could see she was looking at a shelf instead of the aisle. So because I'm a huge jerk, I didn't say anything until AFTER she CRASHED her cart into mine. Then she finally looked up and I glared at her while her baby screamed and she ran around the corner to comfort it.

So don't make people be a jerk!