Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pregnancy Update

I haven't blogged about the last couple weeks, because they were all the same.
I was sooo tired.
sooo nauseous.
and sooo wanting the first trimester to be over.
Almost there!

Its nearing the end of week 10, and almost into week 11. The baby looks like this....

Its starting to look more and more like a human everyday! haha. Anytime I show Jason a picture of the babys development he says it looks like an alien. Which it sort of did for the first little while, but now it has its toes, fingers, eyes and everything!

Today, I feel more energized than I have this whole pregnancy, so I am taking advantage of it, blogging, working out, cleaning, cooking, scrapbooking, all the things I have wanted to do this whole time but didn't have the energy to do it.

I think I have a baby bump, but its not a bump, my stomach is just more round. I would post pictures if I actually thought it was cute lol.

Food- Food has been a traumatic part of this pregnancy. I always thought when you are pregnant, you love food and can't get enough of it, but boy was I wrong! I love food as much as I did, but I can't stomach it. I don't have cravings, I just have foods that at the moment sound edible, and then the foods that make me want to hurl. My recent foods that I can stomach are: Mashed potatoes and gravy, Turkey and Avocado sandwiches, veggies, fruits, and roast. I have to eat every 2 hours, or I get nauseous, if I wait 2 hours and 10 mins to eat, whatever I eat makes me sick. Make sense? So I sit there, sick, but I know I HAVE to eat something, so I have to continue to eat, and continue to have it make me sick. Its been tough. (Disclaimer: Not complaining, just documenting)

Want to know what has been the best part?

This guy.
I couldn't ask for a better husband or father. He has been, and will be amazing. Jason has been a wonderful support through this pregnancy, understanding, and helpful. The other day in primary we were teaching the kids about food that grows, and one of the kids mentioned broccoli, I looked at Jason with a sad face saying that sounds so good, but it was fast Sunday. :( The next day he made broccoli for dinner. The best part about it, is Jason is not an enabler. Before we got pregnant, I told him to be strict with my eating, because I didn't want to gain excess weight, so no junk food, midnight "Cravings" etc, and he has been so good at doing that. I really think women use pregnancy as an excuse to not be healthy, and to explain away gaining weight, and I refuse to submit to that mindset. Jason is wonderful at knowing the difference between what I need, or what I think I want. He brings me all the water, milk, saltines, and string cheese I could ask for. He gives me back scratches every night, is patient when I need him to drive "Soft", knows when food is not agreeing with and tries to find something that will, and helps me make sure my baths are not too hot. :)

My first trimester is almost over, and although I am glad to have experienced it, I will not miss it. Heres hoping the second trimester is a lot better. :)


Laci said...

Fun post! I am the EXACT same way about the "weight gain" mindset. I watched my weight SUPER carefully when I was pregnant with Elle and gained 20ish lbs. And guess what? Well, instantly after having her I lost 12 lbs, and then a week or 2 later I was almost back to pre-pregnancy weight. And then with nursing, I actually LOST weight after that. So yeah, I TOTALLY agree. Now that being said, the second time around has kicked my butt a little bit LOL. But I'm still on track for the same weight gain. Anyway, didnt mean to go off like that... sorry. Anyway, I'm so glad you are starting to feel better! The last 2 weeks or so have been soo nice for me too. I swear its like someone flips a switch and POOF! All better :o) -well for me anyway.. and it sounds like it will be for you too! :o) Ok, I'll stop talking and comparing now LOL. Its just fun to "talk" with other preggies, ya know? :o) Anyway, keep the baby posts a'comin'!

The Viewer said...

I love all the details!! What an awesome husband. I'm excited for you to find out what you're having in a month or so... I really do think it's a boy

bequi said...

My sisters go CRAZY with the weight gain, and then freak out when I tell them I'm not gaining much. Dude, if the doctor's not worried, you shouldn't be!

For example, my one sister is 5'8". When she got married, she was about 150/160 pounds. 6 months AFTER the baby (she got pregnant within 3 months) she is still at 210 pounds. WHAT?! I feel sorry for her husband. I'm due in a month and so far I've gained 12 pounds. Woohoo!! It was 15 with Sarah.

People get pissed when that comes up. They're always like, "You don't look that big, how much weight have you gained?!" And when I tell them 12 pounds, they get all defensive. They act like they're worried about the baby, but I know they're just pissed I haven't gained 40 pounds. So then I feel like I have to justify it. "Oh, well, you know, the first couple months I usually lose a couple pounds, so from the lowest weight I've probably gained about 20 total." And then they feel better about themselves.