Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pregoness in all its glory

2 posts in one day?
that is what happens when the husband is away. :)
Actually I just wanted to post my first pregnancy picture where I actually look a little pregnant.
The shirt is an empire waist shirt, so it makes my stomache look a little bigger than it is, but I am ok with it because I feel 10 times bigger than that!
I am used(well the last 2 years) to a more toned, tight tummy. So to look down and see it getting more and more flabby is really starting to get to me, and I am serious. I should be happy about it, and embracing it, but I just hate it. :( I love my baby, hate my tummy.

So here I am at almost 12 weeks.
As I am typing right now, I really really want to throw up. lol just in case you were wondering.
Side note, what do you think: Fetal Studios in SL does 3D imaging to determine gender, at 14 weeks! I am trying to convince Jason to do it, since my nerves are killing me, but he is stuck on the price. 59$. is that too much? would you pay that? cause I certainly will!


Unknown said...

I think I have that same exact shirt! [Down East?] If not paired with the right jeans/skirt I totally feel like I'm sporting a little baby bump. You look super cute though! :)

Jenny said...

There is a gender prediction test (like a pregnancy test) that advertises in all the baby magazines that they sell at walgreens for $30. We used it at like 12 weeks and it worked like a charm. Boys testies don't drop down where you see them until like 28weeks so you just have to hope the doc gets a good view of his candlestick or a good view of lady parts.

The Viewer said...

I'd pay the 59 bucks! You don't look like you have a baby bump at all!! you look great.

.. said...

They do that same ultrasound for training of the people I believe, at the Circle of life in South Ogden for free! I dont know if you have to be a patient there first, but I am going in for one at 14 weeks too. If you want the number I can hook you up.

bequi said...

I wouldn't spend the money, because I'm cheap. LOL especially where your doctor will look for free a week later.

bequi said...

Oh, and I know I gave you a hard time about freaking out over your stomach, but the first time I got all upset, too. And I HATED it when people told me I was starting to show, because I did NOT look pregnant, I just looked fat! Saying, "you're starting to show" is just a nice way of pointing out how fat I look!

But the second time, I really started showing a lot sooner and I actually liked it because I went through the "pregnant or fat?" Phase so much faster.

There's a blog called "how not to dress like a mom" that had a post a while ago about how to dress right now to not look fat. I'll try to find the link and send it to you.

And because you're so skinny to begin with, I bet it'll look obvious really soon.