Thursday, September 16, 2010

So I occassionaly browse etsy for cute ideas.
so who wants to make these for me?
and these?
and I want to make this, but I have no idea how. ideas?

On to more fun matters.
Baby stuff. hehehe

The day after we find out the sex of the baby, the nursery will be done.
ok maybe not entirely, but rest assured, it will be super close.
I have it all designed, purchased and layed out for either gender, more so for a girl but thats because it just has more stuff in it.
We want to tell our parents the gender in a fun, special way, instead of just a phone call, so we have decided to invite them both for a dinner that night and order a cake that will give it away with the color the inside of the cake will be.
We are just having trouble deciding if we will invite others, a sibling and maybe Grandmas.

I have an appointment this morning with a new OBGYN that got perfect ratings online and takes like a year to get an appointment with unless your prego. I just wasn't totally in love with the OB I have been seeing, so I am gonna change it up. The only thing this changes is now we will have to deliver in the Murray IHC hospital. Which is fine, it just means my parents will have to drive farther.
I am kind of excited to see him, because I have been having the weirdest symptom. I keep burping! its like non stop, 10 times an hour I burp. its gross and I am hoping there is something they can give me for that.

Advice: I know I need a comfy chair in the nursery, but I really don't want to get a glider. They are big and ugly. Have any of you just had a regular rocking chair, or anything else you really liked?
Kinda like this one...
I just want something small for the corner.
I love that there are a bunch of people pregnant at the same time as me. :) It makes me really fun. I thought everyone that could be pregnant already was and had their little ones but there is a whole new bunches of people that are due from 2 months before me, to 2 weeks after me. loooove it.


Laci said...

So here's my opinion on the chair: That one you posted is DARLING!! My sister got a classic rocking chair when she had my nephew and she was wanting it to look stylish and just classy. And it does. BUT after maybe 2 or 3 nights of being home with him, she really regretted it. That was probably the biggest piece of advice she gave me, was to go with comfort over style (in this case anyway). When you are feeding the baby several times a night for awhile, you will want something comfortable. I was kind of annoyed when she told me this, because I had the PERFECT rocking chair all picked out on craig's list that I was going to pant and make a cushion for and everything, but I decided to swing over to Target to just see what they had. I ended up getting a small glider.. this one but in tan, not white:

And I LOVE it. Its not this huge honkin' chair or whatever, but I was in heaven at 3 am!! And now I love to cuddle up with Elle on it and read books and stuff, or when she is sick, its awesome to rock her on. Anyway, just my opinion. I totally see where you are coming from though.. I get it. Anyway, good luck!

.. said...

We have a glider that I love from But if you want the one in that picture, it looks like they just got a rocking chair and made padding for it that they tied to the rails. You could totally make that! It is so fun to read your blog because I am due March 30! We are going through the same stuff! There is a place in Riverdale that makes rocking chairs. Babies R Us has a lot of great chairs too.

Kasey, Chelsi, Auklin and Kanyin said...

I have a regular rocking chair and I really liked it! I love real rocking chairs! I really like it now but when I was feeding him at night I agree in the comfort thing- I actually just moved a lazy boy into his room for the first few months and then he was sleeping through the night so I didnt need comfort anymore- :) so anyway... that is just cause I really liked the look of a real rocking chair-

The Viewer said...

I have a wooden rocking chair like that one. I love it :) A glider would be nice cause they have a foot rest thing BUT the rocking chair was given to me and I used it all the time. I believe it was bought at Lowes- maybe $70

bequi said...

I have a glider, and I HATE it. It hurts my back. I want a big fatty rocker from costco that costs $300, because I don't like wooden ones, either.