Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Update, holidays, vent.

I am this close ( ) to being done with the first trimester, I can feel it. Each day the placenta takes over, I feel that much more energized, and I am loving it.

Baby Powell looks like this...

Wee one is getting big! The wee one is now the size of a lime, working on a plum.

The nausea is slowing tapering off, which I can not be more grateful for. My baby bump is the same size it was when it first came a week or two ago, thank goodness for that. I am not as tired as I was week 8-10. So pretty much I am leaving first base and moving to second. way excited.

In other news- My car should be fixed Thursday, I will be glad to get it back. I really dislike driving a rental car.

This weekend is the dinner party! I am pretty excited about it. We are having 4 sets of our married friends over, and I can't wait because I know they will like each other. The theme is a sports theme, for the boys, so everyone will come wearing their favorite sports team apparel. Haven't quite nailed done the menu, but that will only take 5 minutes. I only work until noon that day, so I can spend the afternoon getting ready. Be assured the dinner will get its very own post equipped with pictures to boot.
I am also very excited for the holidays! Jason and I knew this time last year that it was possible there would be 3 of us this year. So each holiday we would say this could be the last Halloween just the 2 of us, last thanksgiving just the 2 of us etc. But this year it really is true! St pattys day will be our last holiday just the two of us. Halloween I will be, like 16 weeks I think? So I won't be showing that much, so no pumpkin stomach costumes for me! Jason and I already have our costumes picked out. :) The holidays this year will actually be different than other years. If you will remember from 2 years ago I vowed never to be busy on Christmas again. Last year was a lot better, and this year will only get better. My extended family decided, finally, that its too much work, hastle and loudness to get the whole family together on holidays, so we are breaking off!! Each family is now doing their own thing, so this year its my mom and me doing Thanksgiving at her house, and I am excited. 2 years ago I decided, that going to visit the Grandmas on Christmas was just waaay too much travel, and not enough rest and enjoyment. So I said that Christmas Eve would be Grandmas night. Well my Grandma on my mom's side is still having everyone over on Christmas to exchange gifts, so sadly we will not be able to attend since we will be spending the second half of the day with Jason's family. (geeze this is a long paragraph) So this year, the holidays will be a lot more quiet, relaxed, and pleasant.
Which I just remembered I wanted to vent about something.
***WARNING: The following comments may be considered rude, and offensive. So don't read if you are a prude. :D ***
Trunk-or-Treats piss me off. Yep I said it. Utah(although I know its done other places) has become a big Trunk-0r-Treating state thanks to the church activities committee and I think its annoying. Reasons:
1. Trunk-or-Treats in utah are usually hosted by your local mormon ward. (* it should be noted that I AM LDS) Although non-members are always invited, they usually never come for obvious reason and thats rude. Its rude that everyone leaves their homes, turns off their porch lights to go pow wow for an hour in the church parking lot leaving the non member kids no where to get candy. And before you comment saying,"Well in my ward they are always invited, and in my ward a lot of them come etc" I don't care, even if most of them come, some of them don't. And given that Halloween is anything but a religious holiday, church, in my opinion should stay out of it.
2. It feeds paranoia. Not only for parents, but for kids. The kids will ask why are they going to a parking lot, and not door to door, and as mommy tries to explain away her lame paranoia, she will pass it along to her child.
3. Believe it or not Utah, there are actually people here that don't have kids yet! And they don't want to drive their car to the local church and just sit their with their trunks open. They like having the kids run up and ring their doorbell, and making them say trick or treat.
4. The biggest reason that I personally think Trunk or Treats have because popular in Utah is because Utah is L-A-Z-Y. Yep I said it. you could do 100 seasons of biggest loser just in Utah and still not make a dent in our climbing obesity rate. If you are so paranoid about some car pulling up and snatching your kid on Halloween, then get your butt off the couch and go with them!
5. Not only does it supports parents being fat, it encourages our youth to be fat! Good freaking heck who decided this was a good thing? Heaven knows with all the candy the kids are going to get, they NEED to do some running around. Halloween is about running around the neighborhood with your friends, or parents if they are little, and having so much fun, getting so tired, that when they get home they are so tired they fall asleep in their costume.
I will not take part in Trunk or Treats, and if my ward/stake decides to do one on Halloween, I will be writing a letter to my stake president explaining reasons why this is ridiculous.


Kourtney said...

Also, you should call the mayor. :)

Kati said...

haha! I WILL!!

Laci said...

TOTALLY AGREE with the trunk or treat!!! I do NOT miss that about Utah.. its becoming super trendy outside of Utah too, but obviously only within the church, So there is still good 'ol fashioned TRICK or treating still going on. On another note, can I just say that I LOVE that you are doing a couple's party and that I am 90% sure that I will be copying you sometime soon :o) I just have to figure out what to do with Elle since it would be at my house and their kids would not be invited.. so... what to do with MY little one? Hmmm.. Anyway, cant wait to see pics!! And yay for 2nd trimester!!! WAHOO!!

Jenny said...

Okay, I loved this post. First of all, I just love posts about pregnancy (does that make me sound weird?). I'm always so interested to hear about the different experiences that women have, so I thoroughly enjoy the posts about it :)

Also, LOVE what you said about the trunk-or-treat. We give out handfuls of candy to each kid that comes to our house because we usually only get five or six a year. Sad :(

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

Kati... where do you live and we'll come trick or treat at your house!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

LOL that is funny. I always wondered who came up with the trunk or treat. I think it's ok (I'm a convert in Texas) so it's new to me. But I still prefer the old fashioned trick or treating.
Uh oh...Halloween is on Sunday this year. I guess we'll have to sneak around ;)

Angela said...

Try living in Texas. Obesity is HORRIBLE here! LOL!

My ward does trunk-or-treat, but it certainly isn't something done every year. We've had years where the kids went classroom to classroom. So odd.

Yay for almost making it through your first trimester!!!

bequi said...

You already know this, but I'm documenting it here.

I also hate the concept of trunk or treat, but I'm going to participate because, yes, I am too darn lazy to take my 2 year-old around. (Especially since this year I will be dropping a baby out of my vagina 2 weeks before the holiday.) My parents never took me, EVER. Of course I had older siblings, so I don't know what they did when the older kids were too little to go by themselves. Anthony thinks he might take Sarah through the neighborhood this year, and if she's not interested then definitely next year.

Anyway, I agree with one of your friends that the trunk or treat is great for kids, like, 5 and under.

And for any paranoid people out there, you can tell them that no kid has ever been poisoned by Halloween candy EVER, no one has EVER put a razor blade in an apple, and the thing they need to be worried about is teaching their kids to cross the street safely. Oh, and don't dress them all in black, you ninnies!