Thursday, September 30, 2010

your opinions are greatly appreciated.

I swore I would never say this, because in the moment it is simply not true and those who say it to you instantly become an annoyance.
But the first trimester went by really fast.
Ugh, I really never thought I would say that.
When I was 8 weeks, tired and sick as a dog, people said that to me. I did not believe them, and it seemed like week to week was dragging.
They say that 97% of miscarriages happen up to the 13th week, so I had that to be paranoid about.
And because of our previous miscarriage, that we didn't know was a miscarriage, finding out we were only 4.5 weeks along, was excruciating.
but here I am, 13.5 weeks, second trimester, feeling much better and thinking, that first trimester went by really fast.
I do have a bump, most of the time its not obvious that its a baby bump, it just looks like I have eaten too many cookies.
onto the next topic I am sure you are all annoyed with...
Don't worry, I am giving Halloween its dues. I went to a bunch of stores yesterday and stocked up on Halloween decor.
I can't wait to put them up, the only thing standing in my way is cleaning my house. ugh.
Here is a question I have.
I got a lot of pumpkin type stuff. Cause, you know, its Halloween.
But are pumpkin decorations really ok to keep up through Thanksgiving?
I just feel silly wanting to get so many decorations for 1 month. I would be more ok with it if it were for 2 months. :)
With that all in mind, I am going to the fabric store today to pick fabric for table runners.
normally I hate table runners, I think they are grandmaish and cheesy. But lately I have been thinking that they will complete a centerpiece, and if chosen correctly, can use modern simple fabric.
I am going to have it run width wise, instead of length wise, for several reason. 1 I think it will be more simple and modern. 2 Our table has a leaf, that makes it longer, and I dont want to have to make the runner extra long just for those few times we use it, so width wise I won't have to worry.
So we will see.
So with that, I think my Thanksgiving decor will be the same as my Halloween decor, minus the trick or treat door sign.
I am REALLY excited to start collecting Christmas decor.
When we were in our apartment, sure I got a few little things here and there, but nothing that when you walk in you can just feel Christmas.
which, speaking of Christmas decor, Jason and I are going to get our tree out soon.
but not because we are Christmas decorating, we have to get our cats used to it, and teach them not to climb it, before we put our ornaments on it. I am a little nervous for it, I really don't think they will ever get bored of it.
second question, for those of you with houses, when do you put up your christmas lights? obviously its too early to turn them on, but there is no snow, its now wet, its much safer to do it now as apposed to November right?


Laci said...

I would say FOR SURE leave the pumpkins out! I do anyway. I think they are cute and considered "Fall" decor, rather than just halloween. Take pics of all the cute stuff you put out!

The Hicks Family said...

i think anything pumpkins goes up through thanksgiving.. of course the spooky stuff has to come down.. but i leave my pumpkins out until i take that down and put up my christmas decor.. but thats just me! :) i love pumpkins and i love holidays.. so i enjoy it as long as possible!

Angela said...

I agree, you can totally leave pumpkins out after Halloween. They are part of Thanksgiving decor. Just add a few more "fallish" items, and it will look great! :)

Obviously, I don't know about the lights in Utah, but I am all about Christmas stuff not going out until the day AFTER Thanksgiving. :)

molly said...

Keeping pumpkins around until Thanksgiving is completely appropriate. Pumpkins are still in season in late November. Thanksgiving is all about thanking God for the harvest. The first Thanksgiving meal (as in the pilgrims) was primarily beans, corn and squash (i.e. pumpkin). The turkey was a later addition.