Sunday, November 7, 2010

Girls AND boys. And Oprah

I am having a boy.
duh. :)
now, when I found out I was having a boy there was actually a certain sigh of relief. A relief that I wasn't having a girl that I had to teach modesty, values, and how to avoid the wrong kind of guy.
Then today, I realized something.
I posted a status on Facebook about how girls dress at Halloween, about how they do it because boys give them attention.
The whole I kept thinking I am glad I am not having a girl right now that I have to worry about that with. Then I realized I am having a boy.
There is still a huge responsibility to teach Henry, and all my future sons, that they shouldn't expect certain things from girls, that they shouldn't be attracted to it, and they shouldn't support it.
If every single guy, came out and said how disgusting it was for girls to degrade themselves by dressing immodestly, don't you think all the girls would suddenly have a change of wardrobe?
I have a huge responsibility to teach my sons how to treat a woman, how to think about them, and how to honor them.
Thats pretty intense if you ask me, since I am not a boy! I have no idea how they think, but being a stay at home mom, I will be the first line of defense for them.
Sure Jason is their dad, and will be there to give them guidance and teach them, but not as much as I will.
and thats huge.
Speaking of modest...Random side street here.
I looove my religion. love it to pieces and think it is perfect.
There are time when I wish, I wish I wish, I could wear something like this:

I mean look at it!
To me it screams classy, elegant with a side of pazaz.
and personally, for me, I see nothing wrong with this. Its not even off the shoulder, its just a wide neckline, LONG sleeves, and a skirt to the knees. I think this could be consider worldly modest, but obviously, not LDS modest. Which is fine, I will survive this life, without this dress.

I know, its thinking like this that gives people an excuse which turns into reasons which turns into halloween costumes as listed above. I just looove this dress. :)

I know the church has to draw the line somewhere and if you give a little here, people will take a mile, and maybe one day in heaven I can wear whatever I want, a place where tasteful wide necklines are marveled at.
But until then I have dreams of this sinfully white dress, and others like it.
Really. I have dreams that Oprah mails me this dress, in my size, tailored to my height, equipped with a dazzling belt and must have accessories. Then I frolic about in it until Jason gets home and just can't resist taking me to some fancy restaurant.
Am I wrong?
Is this dress too provocative?
Do I have my wires crossed?
sigh. maybe I am the very person I criticized for their Halloween costumes. :(

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