Monday, November 22, 2010

letting nesting take over

I am an organized nut freak.
Although for some reason the last 11 months I have not been as organized as I would like. When you live in an apartment, there isn't much room for organizing, you kind of just have to cram things where they will go. When we moved into the house it seems we took that mentality with us. Also I have noticed, that we(I) have a few staple rooms in the house that constantly get cleaned. They are: 2 living rooms, the kitchen, the bedroom, and the 2 bathrooms. The rest of the house gets neglected because we never use those rooms, but yet we still stuff things in them. I was going to wait until the third trimester to get all this stuff done, then I got overwhelmed with the ever so growing list of things I want to accomplish third trimester. So today you see, I decided to get on top of that issue. I wrote a list, because I oh so love lists and checking things off, then bright and early I got to work.

The first I decided to tackle was the closets.

This is the top of the hallway closet. And in it was all my purses, random crafts stuff, books, a box with misc items, towels, sheets, games, office stuff, binders and more. This is one of those places in our house where you just know something you want is in there, you just don't know where.

45 mins later you have this:

Then I moved to the coat closet by the door. This housed our 72 hour kits, the stroller, the carseat holder, random craft stuff, coats, mop, broom, frames, flowers, and more. This is the place on our house that is a quick place to shove things.

45 mins later we have this:

The vacuum may also live here, but I can't decide. for now my cats enjoy a hazard free closet floor.

Then, after an afternoon nap, and lunch, I tackled the second biggest project of the house. The first biggest is the downstairs, and you will see what I am talking about when I do that, but for now, THE GARAGE.

Now, this picture was taken completely before, I hadn't started even a little, so that huge mound of crap in the middle is true. When Jason and I clean out our cars, it all goes to the middle right there. There were shoes, my favorite skirt that I have been searching for, bags of new stuff, socks, random craft stuff(noticing a trend with the craft stuff?), trash etc. To the left side there are tons of soda boxes that were empty!! I had no idea they were empty! my hubby is gonna get it. I mean, its not insanely bad, I have certainly seen worse, but there was no organization and it was messy. So a lot of throwing away, organizing, and sweeping occurred,
and this was my pretty after picture:
Seriously isn't it so pretty now? I mean, as pretty as a garage can get. This actually isn't the most accurate after picture for 2 reasons. 1. the boxes of stuff by the door are not staying, they are full of stuff that need to go inside, but I can't really lift them being prego so I will wait for Jason to do that. 2. I put up a bunch of Jason's Jazz stuff on the back wall so it felt more like his own man cave lol.
Another thing I did for him in the garage, Jason has acquired a lot of tools, but they are sets that have their own containers with the rights shapes and stuff, you know the kind right? Well his also has a lot of misc tools that have no where to go so I went to the store and bought him a real tool box. Its big. :)

Anyway. This is day 1 of this project. I still have to do:

Kitchen drawers
Bathrooms(a real good scrub down)
steam clean all carpets

I anticipate this taking at least until wednesday, IF I do it like I did today. The nesting bug hit me today, so I hope it hits me tomorrow and the next day!

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